In the past 2 yrs Ive had 2 friends who have lost their daughters - TopicsExpress


In the past 2 yrs Ive had 2 friends who have lost their daughters to childhood diseases. One to Neuroblastoma and another to heart defects. I can not imagine the pain these mothers feel. I cant bare to think about it sometimes, it overwhelms me and I am lucky enough to have a healthy, douchy as he may be, 17 yr. old. One of my biggest fears as a young mother was of my son getting some terminal illness. I think as parents we all have that fear, that a cold is more than a cold... That a headache could be something worse... That a tummy ache is something life threatening. But the majority of us were and are lucky enough to leave the doctor with an antibiotic and some cough syrup and all is right in our worlds in a few days. For others, that trip to the doctor turns their world upside down and their worst nightmare becomes a reality. I think a lot of us take for granted our healthy kids. I think we also dont realize the fight that these moms of sick kids go through daily. Trying to figure out how to hold a job when their child is going through surgeries or treatments, hold down a household while theyre stuck in a childrens hospital indefinitely. Trying to take care of their other kids while one is fighting to stay alive. Constant road trips to hospitals, arranging child care for the healthy ones, loosing income but still trying to pay their bills and feed their families. Utilities always being juggled and always on shut off notice. Empty fridges and fast food. Sleepless nights and walking through life like a zombie. Not everyone whose kid get sick has a husband who makes 6 figures a year. Imagine what would happen to you if your child became seriously, incurably ill... I know that I would be screwed I would homeless. I suppose that is why I have always jumped to help with fundraisers. Because its not about paying for medical treatment, most is paid for... Its about making sure that these families have a place to come home to after the sheets are pulled from the hospital bed and the lights are turned off in the hospital room. I honestly dont know how these moms do it, how they have the strength to fight every single day. To get up and out of bed and hold hands through treatment after treatment, surgeries, the common cold that can kill, to make the ultimate selfless decisions to stop aggressive treatments even though they want to hold on for just one more day. I know, their moms, and thats what moms do. But the moms who fight... For however long they have been given with their kids... Those moms are warriors! Theyre angels. Theyre the strongest women I know. To the women, the moms I have been honored to know through their fight. I hold you in the highest esteem. To the rest of us lucky enough to have our healthy kids, if you know a family who is battling to keep a child alive, buy them a pizza, hand them 10 bucks, buy a couple extra Christmas presents while your out shopping for their kids, a bag of groceries on their doorsteps, diapers for a kid or whatever... The things we take for granted are the things that they struggle with daily. Every last one of us can sacrifice something frivolous in our daily lives so that we can give to a family in need. So skip the pack of smokes or the movie rentals if you think you cant afford $5. Believe me, a family who is fighting along side their sick child needs that 5 bucks more than you could ever imagine.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 19:47:16 +0000

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