In the past month, many things have gone very wrong and unplanned. - TopicsExpress


In the past month, many things have gone very wrong and unplanned. In the beginning of the month we received a possible eviction notice due to our dog barking, which turned out to not be our dog but a dog that lives behind us. Since they cant prove it for sure the eviction notice stands. We have been struggling to find a new place that accepts my animals and meets our budget. Last Monday I had my purse stolen from my car with my license, debit card and everything else important in it. The following day I lost my job due to many absences caused by my Pnuemonia and bronchitis. As I have been struggling to find a job, with a couple interviews, I return home on Halloween to find my car has been stolen. My point of this post is not to whine or ask for people to feel bad for me. Last night I received some hopeful news about somewhere for us to live, and that has given me hope for the other mishaps that have happened recently. I think our rough patch may be slowly coming to an end. Thank you for your prayers and thoughtful words, they have really meant a lot to us. This has all been an eye opener and a lesson for me to learn and cope with.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:43:37 +0000

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