In the past northern Idaho has been a haven for hate - TopicsExpress


In the past northern Idaho has been a haven for hate summer I was at the univ og Idaho in Moscow Id. I was on an elevator and this huge Anglo guy got on with me..bald head big beard..64...easily 300 pounds..Im close to six he towered over me..I gave him a small smile and a quick nod to acknowledge his existence..the elevator door closed and I didnt look at him but I heard him shift his body and out of the corner of my eye I could see he was staring at me...I swear I could feel his breathe on my I turned to face him and he proceeded to scream in my face IM A NATIVE AMERICAN TOO...he was so close to me that I could see all the food particles in his beard and mustache and I could smell the double chubby chuck hamburger with onions and bacon on his breathe..the force of his scream pushed my hair back like it was being wind blown...I could feel the trickle of pee going down my leg...I regained my composure and started to say something but the sound that came out of my mouth was high pitched and I cleared my throat and my man voice came back..I said...were you born in America?...he said yep..I said then yes ur a Native American..maybe not in the same way aim..but you are..I could see the redness from his face begin to drain..he grabbed my hand and said my names is Gus...I said my names don..he said u can call me goose...the rest of the summer we said hello to each other...true story
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 19:03:42 +0000

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