In the past, the village had one healer, or a few. And they would - TopicsExpress


In the past, the village had one healer, or a few. And they would never call themselves the healer, they would never call themselves the shaman- only would they be called such a name by their community. But the time has call to call yourself. The time has come to claim your true identity, to name yourself. Yes, I am the healer. Yes, I am the shaman of my soul, ushering myself between dimensions, reclaiming the lost fragments of who I really am, altering my own state like a finely crafted dial on a beautiful physical mechanism holding my most precious of spirit. Take heart warrior spirit, you are the healer. You are every bit the healer. You are now healing with sound, you are healing with food, you are speaking to the water, you are speaking to the earth, you are communicating with the elements, you are recognising your soul family who may not inhabit physical human forms, you are at one with the animals, you peer into your own eyes in the bathroom mirror and see the cosmos within yourself. Yes, you are the healer. And it is time. The time has come for you to step forth as the great healer of your own life, if you have not already, and to recognize yourself as such. To certify YOURSELF, which is a privilege no one else can have- only you can certify yourself and grant yourself the power of healing, for self and for others...
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:24:27 +0000

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