In the past week we have had nearly 200 new “likes” to this - TopicsExpress


In the past week we have had nearly 200 new “likes” to this page. Just want to say “welcome” to all who are new here. That is a very large number of new folks in one week. Just curious where you heard about our page? If you are new here this week, please comment below about how you heard about West Memphis Three Facts. Just curious. Apologies about the lack of posts in the last week or two. It’s a busy time of year for the page admins and everyone else here, so please excuse the lack of activity on our page right now. We will get back to it after the holidays. Echols, Baldwin, and their supporters continue to post and do outrageous things almost daily, but it just gets exhausting discussing it. The fact that two men who pled guilty to triple child murder continue to profit from their crimes is simply not something that lends itself to peace on earth and good will toward men this holiday season. We are taking a little break from discussing their almost daily slaps in the face to the family members of the victims. (Despite what the movies tell you, most of the surviving parents/step-parents of the victims believe the WM3 are guilty). For those who are new to the case, please take a moment to read through our web page at westmemphisthreefacts. If you have seen any of the movies/documentaries or read books/news articles about this case you are only getting half the story. All of the movies and most of the books/news articles leave out ALL facts that point to the guilt of the West Memphis Three. This page is here to preserve those facts, even as they continue to be skewed by the three men who were convicted and pled guilty to the murders of Michael, Chris, and Stevie. Again, whether you believe the WM3 are guilty or innocent - welcome to our page. We are humbled that so many people still care about justice for these three precious children and glad to have all of you here.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 02:25:13 +0000

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