In the previous post, we posited a battle between Superman and the - TopicsExpress


In the previous post, we posited a battle between Superman and the X-Men. That motivated me to script an actual fight scene between them. Read if you are so inclined. Superman vs. The X-Men (Cyclops, Colossus, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, Rogue) Superman gets blasted by an enemy with wormhole technology into the Marvel Universe and just so happens to land in the middle of X-Men mansion. Being justifiably paranoid, the X-Men assume Superman has come to attack them. Cyclops hits him with an optic blast which doesn’t do any real damage but distracts him just long enough for Colossus to rush in and hit Superman with an uppercut. Unprepared for the blow, Colossus’s punch knocks Superman off his feet and sends him crashing through the roof. The X-Men rush outside to search for the body only to see an apparently unharmed Superman waiting for them in the garden area. And he looks pissed. At this point Cyclops realizes that the intruder isn’t just some goofball in a red and blue costume and orders Colossus and Wolverine to do a fastball special. Claws extended, Wolverine rockets through the air like a fleshy, adamantium-tipped missile but, between his speed and strength, Superman easily knocks him aside and sends Wolverine crashing through a distant grove of trees. Meanwhile, Storm has flown high above the battle and is summoning a thunderstorm as Rogue closes in on Superman while Colossus lumbers toward the intruder as fast as he can. Back at the mansion, Cyclops has Nightcrawler teleport him to the other side of the grounds so between them, Rogue, and Colossus they can flank the intruder. Storm blasts Superman with a lightning bolt, doing no damage but distracting him just long enough for Rogue to get in a solid right cross to the chin. Rogue flies back, amazed at the pain in her hand and that fact that Superman only seems more annoyed. Angry or not, Superman hesitates at hitting a woman and instead uses his super-breath to encase her in a block of ice just as Cyclops blasts him from behind. This time Superman turns and responds with a blast of heat-vision. Cyclops bursts into flames and Nightcrawler teleports him to the compound’s medical center. Covered in third-degree burns, Cyclops is down for the count. Noticing Storm, Superman starts to fly up to confront her just as Colossus arrives and grabs him by the cape. Superman lands and begins slugging it out with Colossus while Storm continues to fly overhead, afraid of sending another lightning bolt for fear of hurting Colossus. Superman and Colossus end up in a wrestling-style clinch with Colossus slowly sinking to his knees as he’s driven down by Superman’s superior strength. By that time Rogue has freed herself from the ice and, removing her gloves, flies toward Superman who hears her coming her coming but is still in the midst of his contest of strength with Colossus. Rogue touches Superman’s cheek and feels vast strength flooding through her limbs. Unfortunately, Superman’s level of power is far beyond the limits of her own. Overwhelmed and out of control, she fires random blasts of heat vision as she flies off and crashes into the X-Men mansion. With at least a quarter of his strength gone, Superman is suddenly on more even terms with Colossus. Sensing the change, Colossus slowly rises as Wolverine approaches from behind. Despite Wolverine’s stealthy approach, his powerful heart is like a loud drumbeat to Superman’s super-hearing. Becoming desperate, Superman resorts to blasting Colossus in the face with his heat vision. The blast does no real damage but momentarily blinds Colossus, giving Superman more than enough time to pull free and land a couple of solid blows. Staggered, Colossus falls back just as Wolverine arrives. Even at reduced-speed, Superman manages to dodge the brunt of Wolverine’s attack but still receives a vicious slash across the chest that slices through costume and skin with equal ease. Flying backward to put distance between them, Superman blasts Wolverine with his heat vision. Wolverine bursts into flames but amazingly enough is still standing. As Superman flies up, Storm hits him with another blast of lightning and this time it hurts. Superman’s eyes literally begin to glow red with rage but he again hesitates to hurt and woman. Instead of heat vision, he uses a sonic clap that bursts Storm’s eardrums and knocks her out of the sky. Superman flies down and catches her just as she would crashed into the ground. Superman’s less than villainous act doesn’t register with Wolverine who at this point is in a berserker rage. Wolverine charges in and strikes, aiming for Superman’s spine. To Superman’s super-hearing, Wolverine’s powerful heart is loud as a drumbeat. Knowing the little mutant’s claws are capable of harming him, he tries to dodge. Instead of the spine, Superman takes the claws in his right arm instead. Furious, Superman grabs Wolverine with his remaining good arm and tosses him straight up. Flying higher and higher, Wolverine vanishes from sight. Colossus has recovered by this time but Superman’s true level of strength is also returning. Colossus charges and Superman retreats in a burst of super-speed, hitting Colossus with nonstop blasts of heat vision focused on a single point on his chest. As Colossus closes in, Superman reverses and flies forward to strike Colossus precisely on the point weakened by his heat blasts. Clutching his chest, Colossus stumbles backward and collapses. Curious, Superman watches as an unconscious Colossus reverts to his human form. Rogue has recovered by this time. Flying out of the wreckage of the mansion, she sees Colossus and Storm down and Wolverine, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler gone. Having realized the true extent of Superman’s power, Rogue heads for the far side of the compound to contact and request assistance from reserve X-Men. His strength almost completely restored, Superman decides to fly up into the atmosphere where he can better absorb the sun’s solar rays and speed up the recovery of his wounded arm. As he starts to rise, Nightcrawler appears in a puff of smoke and grabs Superman from behind. Intending to strand the intruder in the alternate dimension through which he travels when teleporting, Nightcrawler activates his power and both he and Superman vanish in another puff of smoke. From Nightcrawler’s perspective, his passage through the parallel dimension is virtually instantaneous. Stranding the intruder there will require perfect timing. From Superman’s perspective, the event lasts a bit longer because his super-speed works on both a physical and cognitive level. As Nightcrawler releases him, Superman simply turns and grabs the mutant by the wrist. As they reappear, Nightcrawler’s eyes widen at the sight of the intruder who is now facing him and holding him by the wrist. Nightcrawler vanishes in another puff and smoke and Superman flies off, first to heal himself then to search for a way home.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 20:19:39 +0000

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