In the process of looking for a file on my computer I ran across - TopicsExpress


In the process of looking for a file on my computer I ran across an old blog post I wrote back when I used to blog. Thought I would share....Especially for my Changes WW team..... I’m a Dreamer! It seems as though the odds are stacked against you. No matter how hard you try you just cant seem to break free. You have dreams, goal’s, even a plan of action but just cant seem to get any traction and gain momentum. It feels as though its always two steps forward and three steps back. Every light at the end of the tunnel turns out to be a train. There’s no hope, what’s the point anymore? Why not just give up and accept that this is life? Is this “normal” ? Maybe everyone is destined to live this unstable and never knowing what’s next adventure we call life. After all, Logic is screaming, demanding even that we slide our dreams over to the category of fantasy with no hope of ever becoming reality. We’ve all heard it a thousand times…you have to adapt to your surroundings, conform to your situation and accept your circumstances and take life one day at a time. Some of us have even tried that “way of life”. Tried to be what society calls normal and just take what life dishes out. Play the hand we were dealt and try to minimize our losses while hoping for a better hand. Oh but something inside you cant be silenced. This passion cant be pushed down. Your thirst cant be quenched and the fire that burns so hot within you cant be put out. A silent rage is building inside you and everything within you is screaming don’t quit. Logic has no say here, you’re a dreamer and dreamer’s don’t settle, we can’t, to settle is to deny our true self and live a lie, to try and settle is to commit to dying a slow and miserable death within. You must push on with your head held high and be true to yourself. Accept that life will throw hurdles but hurdles were made to be jumped. You can’t quit! It’s not even an option because you were born for greatness, destined to be a leader, designed to achieve so pick your head up and announce to the world I will not be defeated! I am like a rubber ball the harder you knock me down the higher I will bounce! I will succeed! I am a dreamer therefore I will accomplish! Dreams are not chased but created. I will defy all odds and show the world who I am and what I’m capable of. That I am everything I need to be in order to succeed. I will continue to feed the fire until it burns out of control with no hope of containment. I am a dreamer! Only those who “Dare to Dream” can make a dream come true. All my dreams will come true because I cannot be controlled by the fear of the unknown, the challenge of the day nor the dream stealers around me, I will persist until I win, not hoping, not wondering but moving forward with confidence in my ability to plan, to set and achieve my goals, with the quiet assurance that nothing can stop me or even slow me down. I am me and I accept that and others opinions of me will not affect my own. Every great dream begins with a dreamer, always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world I cannot fail because I will not quit! I accept no reality other than the one I create! I am a dreamer! Wayne Caraway
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 01:36:37 +0000

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