In the realm of my usual Morrissey and Dean metaphorical - TopicsExpress


In the realm of my usual Morrissey and Dean metaphorical meanderings, I found this clip strangely fitting, a grim yet graceful lament on standing at the grave of one of our own, thanks muted by the death of one who took the lead aimed for ones head, that is if one takes it literally. However, I remembered a cassette dub I have, from a Swedish Dean fan, of a BBC Dean tribute from the mid 80s which included an interview with early JD disciple and 60s rock singer, Adam Faith. Speaking of Jimmys influence on himself and countless others, he reflected, he (JD) was the one-man vanguard, the first teenager. He was the troubleshooter for every teenager to follow; we sent him in first to figure it all out. And down to the last detail Dean was mesmerizing; he wore blue jeans and a red jacket, and the way he walked and moved was sensational. Hed flip a cigarette up out of the end of a pack of em, so unlike what we Brits fumbled with. He just looked incredibly glamorous...
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 02:03:15 +0000

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