In the recent government u-turn, metered water bills were pushed - TopicsExpress


In the recent government u-turn, metered water bills were pushed back until 2018. So why are Irish Water wasting hundreds of millions of Euro installing water meters (up and down the country) NOW? Why not use the millions to replace old lead pipes and to fix leaks? One reason is that Denis OBrien through his GMC Sierra company have won a contract (under dubious circumstances) to install meters, and tax evader Denis who lives in sunny Malta must get his pound of flesh. Dinny is Irelands wealthiest man and also the greediest and what Dinny wants Enda gives. The other reason is that Kenny and Burton know that their days in power are numbered and the future bride that is Irish Water must be made to look as attractive as possible to attract potential suitors. The secretive Gang of Four who render the cabinet useless have probably already spoken to future buyers like Nestlé, Veolia and the ubiquitous Denis OBrien and have agreed a sale price. The more meters that are installed the less the new owners will have to invest. Kenny, Burton, Noonan and Howlin will be appointed as directors of the privatized water company once the dust settles and awarded shares worth millions. Hence the invasion of communities all around the country by unwelcome installers, using threats, breaking laws and leaving a trail of water and gas leaks behind them in their orgy to install as many meters as quickly as possible. And the sinister part (yes, that word) is that Irish Water have employed the services of Risk Management International, a serious player in the spying/ security business to film, intimidate and assault peaceful protesters. The spies/informers in my montage are from Guardex, a Kildare company working on behalf of RMI.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:54:05 +0000

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