In the same way our children are physically vaccinated against - TopicsExpress


In the same way our children are physically vaccinated against polio, measles, mumps, rubella and tetanus, the minds of our young people should be vaccinated against human to human violence. The best vaccination against human violence is the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament in the Bible. Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, the person who killed two police officers in New York and the people who looted and burned down store in Ferguson after a 6’4”unarmed 19 year old, video-taped robbing few cigars was killed by a police officer: They are an end product of today’s American society that very zealously isolates American school children from the moral teachings of Jesus Christ and the New Testament in the Bible while those same children have their mind inundated during their after school hours with violence, immorality and antisocial behavior through the multi-billion dollars American entertainment industry. The killing of two police officers in Brooklyn, New York and the Sony – North Korea drama North Korea and the Sony hack: The war of words escalates: Those are two sides of same coin of the spiritual and social insanity currently pervading the Western world. This spiritual and social insanity pervading the leading sectors of the American society: government and the entertainment industry comes from defending “peaceful freedom of expression” while suppressing the teachings and writings in the New Testament in the Bible in the name of “church state separation,” banning government sponsored institution from the “establishment of religion” according to the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. We need to remind everyone that Bible and Jesus are neither church nor religion. Church is a human institution giving a particular interpretation of what the Bibles says or does not say; we have hundreds of churches or religions; those churches or religions have different understandings regarding what the Bible or Jesus teaches. Even though people could make a religion based on the teachings of the Bible and Jesus, having people aware of what the Bible or Jesus say is not religion. While our government officials are looking for short term solutions due to the wave of violence pervading our American society, people who believe in the teachings of Jesus and in the writings of the Apostles Paul, John, Peter and James in the Bible should unite in prayer so through the heat of the crimes that we all see around us, the leaders of the American society could at least appreciate the goodness of the light of Jesus’ teachings that could really help us to become an almost free crime society. https://youtube/watch?v=z6WkKonnWoo
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:30:37 +0000

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