In the summer of 2010 after suffering with Lyme Disease for at - TopicsExpress


In the summer of 2010 after suffering with Lyme Disease for at least 11 years, the doctors finally told me that there was nothing else they could do. At that point, it had left me 100% disabled. Neither my body or mind had not escaped the devastating effects of that illness. I knew I was dying, just not sure of when. Today, my health is excellent for someone my age. (66) My physical condition is better today than it has been in decades and my mind is as sharp as it ever was, maybe even sharper. I changed one thing in my life that has been used by millions of others world wide for illnesses that run the gambit all with the same results. If we can get our bodies hydrated with the right water that helps balance the alkalinity level in the body all the while providing antioxidants to prevent further cell damage, our body will take care of its self. I promise it will change your life. Take a look at this short video. Dr. Michael Donaldson will explain how Restructured Alkalized Water is made and how that water helps the body. There is nothing on earth that I know of that provides such benefits. Start your family on it today, you will thank me. I have the SD-501 model. Call me for more information or just go to moreinfo.water-for-wellness My phone number is 703 728 7103. This is too important not to share...
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 15:20:08 +0000

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