In the up and down conversation about Ray Rice and his now wife, I - TopicsExpress


In the up and down conversation about Ray Rice and his now wife, I want to share two statuses from two very important women in my life that know what domestic violence is and looks like. But first, I will openly share mine. I am permanently physically injured from an attack on me in 2003 by a domestic partner. When women leave a situation and seek medical attention, they receive experiences like mine. I was told by an emergency room doctor, with a dislocated knee among other things, that all he could do is prescribe me a bottle of pills and a social worker. This man had verbally told me that he was going to kill me that night. Luckily he didnt get the chance because of my roommate pulling him off of me and dragging him upstairs. Between his beating me senseless and removal upstairs, I was able to call a friend from the basement to ask her to call the police before he could come back. And she did. Women stay because the system does not allow them to leave. Women stay because they are conditioned to believe they arent credible. Women stay because they have nowhere to hide. Women stay because they are broke down into pieces that are no longer them. Women dont leave because they are told that they are damaged goods that no one else wants. Restraining orders are never enough. It is not for you to decide why she is staying, rather you have to question what he is doing to her to make her stay. Unless youve been on the palm/fist/boot/mouth side of an abusive relationship, you have no idea what its like to be trapped in one. Most women get their asses handed to them when theyre *trying* to leave. It took me nearly three years to get out of one. Did people question my reason to even stay with this person? Every day. Am I a weak-willed, slack-jawed, human doormat? Hardly. A womans inability to get away from abuse has nothing to do with her being weak, lame, or stupid. But you know what *is* stupid? Yakkin out the side of your mouth about things you know nothing about. /end rant. Id like to challenge those who ask why do they stay to volunteer at their local domestic violence shelter and find out the answer for themselves. Domestic violence is violent, but so is the alternative. Oh and a woman divorced her abusive husband, and he killed all 5 of their children this week..
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 07:53:39 +0000

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