In the writings of the kabbala, the name Judah, or Yehuda (in - TopicsExpress


In the writings of the kabbala, the name Judah, or Yehuda (in Hebrew), containing within it the four letters of the name of G-d, symbolizes the Creator. Tamar, on the other hand, is the Hebrew name for a palm tree and represents the people and their bond with G-d. Why? The Talmud explains, Just as the palm tree has but one heart, so too do the people have only a single heart, devoted completely to their Father in heaven. (The heart of the date palm is its sap. Unlike the saps of other trees, like the olive or almond tree, the sap of the palm is found only in its trunk, but not in its branches or leaves. This is the meaning behind the Talmudic statement that the palm tree possesses only a single heart. The intimate union between Tamar and Judah - they and G-d - occurs during the sacred days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. During those days, G-d, or Judah, exposes Himself to His people, evoking within them a yearning to transcend their ego and self-centered cravings and to become one with G-d. But then, Some three months passed (Gen. 38:24), and the spiritual inspiration of the High Holy days wears off. Judah is informed that Tamar, your kalla, has committed harlotry, and moreover, she has become pregnant by harlotry (Gen. 38:24). The news arrives to G-d that His bride has betrayed Him, substituting him with another partner. Is this not the story of so many of us? At one point during our lives we are inspired to transcend our selfish identity and connect to the deeper Divine rhythm of life. Yet, the cunning lore of numerous other gods captivates our imaginations and ambitions and dulls our vision. We substituted the G-d of truth and transcendence with the ego-god, the power-god, the money-god, the temptation-god, the addiction-god, the manipulation-god and the god of self-indulgence. What is even sadder for Judah is the news that Tamar is so estranged that she became pregnant by harlotry. This symbolizes the stage in life when they reject the G-d of his forefathers permanently and decides to build his future with superficial sources of gratification.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:21:57 +0000

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