In these times of chaos & confusion ... finding my centre, where I - TopicsExpress


In these times of chaos & confusion ... finding my centre, where I can be still, nurtured & safe is vital. There are a few things of late i have let slip as i have been so busy, overworked & super stressed & with that came a land slide...... highlighting the importance of really caring for my self even more than usual. These few things can be the difference between and AWESOME week or a not so GREAT week & an absolute shocker. Things happen which are totally out of our control sometimes...and we get blindsided. If I am taking good care of myself I can navigate this territory, drawing upon that inner reserve of knowledge, wisdom & strength.... If that well is dry, the outcome wont be as great, or worse. Morning gratitude is essential for a positive state of mind throughout the day. Being such a sensitive person, I can take on others energy, & become overwhelmed by the injustice I witness on a daily basis, socially, environmentally, culturally etc. By being thankful for all that is wonderful in my life & thankful for what i am about to create sets a great framework for the day..... Daily, high quality magnesium makes an incredible difference in my life. I stress less, my aches & pains subside, & my quality of life improves dramatically. 5HTP at night gives me the seratonin i need to get happy & sleep well. This discovery literally changed my life! St Marys Thistle loves my liver ... repairs & nurtures this super filter that has allowed me to have a really colourful life with lots of parties & good times with over indulgence :) Passionflower, Californian Poppy & Scullcap are my saviours .... soothing my frazzled nerves, quieting my mind & allowing me to relax when im seriously stressy. And then there is music..... Whether Im writing it, playing it, or listening to it .... it has the power to energise, soothe, or depress or heal me. Choosing uplifting tunes with a positive message changes my whole being! The internet is a smorgasboard of luscious tunes for my aural wonderful is that!?! We need more than just a survival kit in this life. It differentiates whether we are just surviving or really living to our full potential. By finding the things that work really well for us we allow ourselves to tap that unlimited potential... Im very fortunate to have been blessed in this life with the calling to explore the world of plants as medicine & the world of music...both are super healing! and to be surrounded by quality herbalists, naturopaths & other healers is cream on the cake. If you are needing some help finding your allies to support you on your unique path .... The Happy Herb Shop is a great place to start. Most of the stores have resident Naturopaths who can give you an over the counter consult. There are a myriad of incredible herbs & supplements for you to explore... one may just jump out at you!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 03:47:58 +0000

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