In these waking hours of the morning, while much of the world - TopicsExpress


In these waking hours of the morning, while much of the world enjoys the last couple hours slumber before facing another day, my pups remind me our day starts just a little earlier. Ive come to not only accept the 4am ritual, but to look forward to it. While my angel sleeps, the pups and I have our routine. They have their breakfast and share mine, then we pile up on and around the couch, Sadie at my side and Sophie at my feet. They, too, slip back into dreamworld, where squirrels and pussycats are just out of reach of their flicking legs and squeezed-tight eyes, safe here from the world with me. So I find this time for cruising the net and posting stories, reminiscing, thinking, pondering, praying. As close to meditating as a 52-year old hillbilly can muster. Its so easy - the world is still wrapped in the deep black blanket of night, not a sound other than the snoring of the dogs and the rhythmic hum of the refrigerator. Its a time where, in other circumstances, we would be most fearful - not able to know what was just feet from the windows, what terrors could lie in front of us. But soon enough, the sun starts peeking over these ancient mountains and a new day arrives, with all the hope and promise it can bring. Its a clean slate, another opportunity for us to make a difference in someones lives, in our community, in our country, in our world. Yesterday doesnt matter. Tomorrows too far away. The moment will soon be upon us, and it is of our choosing how this day will be spent. So I pray. For guidance, for strength. And, as a former radio guy, I often turn to music. This, my friends, us my prayer this pre-dawn. Enjoy today. Live as He leads. Love everybody. Do your best.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:35:09 +0000

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