In this age, people use words without even thinking or worrying - TopicsExpress


In this age, people use words without even thinking or worrying about the consequences or truth of those words. I was watching the History Channel last night and they were talking about OLD Bible rules. Anyway the post below struck me. The History channel was describing the difference between how people used and thought of words ancient history and use words, compared to us in this day and age. The quote sticks and stones can break my bones; but words cant hurt me is further from the truth than people now days realize. In ancient times, many people did not know how to write or have the tools to do so. All they had to go by were the words that were spoken between each other. No legal contracts, lawyers, etc. They took each other seriously when words were spoken. They told of a Shaman who intervened in a dispute of words between two men. They were using very hurtful words to each other. He told the men to go home and get a feather pillow and open it up and spread the feathers in the wind. He then told them to go and catch every one of the feathers they spread in the wind. The men exclaimed it was impossible to get all the feathers back no matter how long or hard they tried. The point.......words are the same way........especially now days with our technology, hurtful words (truthful or not) can be spread around the world in an instant and can never be undone. The words we use to others can help or severely harm them. Even if we dont see these people personally, like on the internet; what we say can make are break others spirits. I think that if anyone is looking for a way to really make a difference in the world today; an easy place to start is with the words we use with each other, whether family, friends, co-workers, boss, or those in leadership; please try to use kind loving words instead of hateful, mean evil words......this world may become just a tiny bit better one conversation at a time. Now, I dont want any assumptions now as to why I am posting this......I just felt it was wise and wanted to share it with others in hopes of saving someone hurt or damage from something from what we think are simple words. Love to each of you!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:34:49 +0000

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