In this country... Hi my name is Roisin Brady. I live in Crumlin - TopicsExpress


In this country... Hi my name is Roisin Brady. I live in Crumlin Dublin, have 3 children, twins aged 7 and a half and a 5 year old. Sadly myself and my partner broke up late last year and so I have fallen on hard times and am receiving a social welfare payment and rent allowance. I have been renting the same house for 5 years and have a good history there, my children are settled in school and clubs in the area. My letting agent is upping the rent by 300 a month and has decided not to accept rent allowance anymore, she gave me due notice and took all the steps legally. For 6 months I have called and viewed almost every property to rent on the South side of Dublin only to be turned away because of being in receipt of rent allowance. I must vacate my home in 2 and a half weeks and have literally nowhere to go, social welfare office and Dublin City Council have basically told me to pack my belongings, put them in storage, register as homeless and move into hostel/hotel accommodation when available, ask friends for couches when not and to live like this for 8 months to a year. There is no clear plan as to where I would be or whether the children could attend school while in this temporary emergency accommodation.There are no kitchen facilities provided in these places either. I have called every TD, Senator, charitible group, anyone I can think of to no avail. I do not understand why I am being discriminated against for falling on hard times and why there seems to be a mandate from Landlords and Letting agencies to accept rent allowance. Myself and my 3 children are homeless in 17 days and I have nowhere to turn. This situations needs highlighting, so many families in this position now. I would be very humbled if you could give my story some airtime to highlight the issue or maybe if somebody a landlord maybe heard my plight and might offer to rent me a home. This is my last option to stand on a public platform and beg the public to help me and see me as a person, see my children as children who need a roof over their heads and warm bed to get into at night. All help would be appreciated.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 03:15:37 +0000

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