In this lil box it asks whats on your mind... Well... This is - TopicsExpress


In this lil box it asks whats on your mind... Well... This is whats on my mind, this morning of remembrance... What happened to our country most of us had never witnessed... For many of us we never knew how it felt to be afraid of being attacked by another country .. Many of us were to young to remember Pearl Harbor, which was yet another unimaginable attack on America. We watched in horror as that second jet flew in to the second World Trade Center... It was, at that point, we all realized... The first jet wasnt an accident... At that point, the impact had not yet sunk in for me .... Then our Pentagon... Then a field in Pennsylvania (that I believe with all of my heart was headed directly to our White House... Had it not been for some of the most incredible men and women on that jet that day.. God bless their souls) As horrific as the attacks were that beautiful peaceful day in America, September 11, 2001 .. I feel something changed in us... In everyone one of us... We joined hands... We bowed or heads in prayer... We displayed American flags on our lawns and rarely did I pass vehicle that didnt have a flag attached to the windows. There were notes on several stores we are out of American Flags, sorry of the inconvenience. We cried as we watched the pain of the families searching for their loved ones... Or worse the ones who knew... They had lost theirs. The most amazing, selfless, brave, heroic men and women who ran INTO those burning buildings... Some never making it back out because, as again we watched live, those buildings seemingly in slow motion... Collapsed. Most of the initial coverage was from the air, which for me, made it appear less horrific i guess... It wasnt until I got home from work, immediately turned on the tv... That I saw the images from ground zero... I have no words to describe what I felt...the first person Ive always gone to when Im scared is my Moma.. When I finally did reach her... She was at Walmart (of all places)... Not just any Walmart... A Walmart less than a mile from Barksdale Air Force, where we knew President Bush was in a protective bunker... In a panic I screamed MOMA we are under attack.. Get home!!! She calmly said... Ill be ok baby... Dont worry.... I love you Theres so much more that I could share about that day and the days that followed, as I know each of you could. Many would be very similar Im sure. I want to ask something.... Do you think that one single firefighter, police officer, or even a stranger who may have stopped to help another escape those burning buildings asked... Are you a democrat? Are you a republican?... I will answer my own question... Those questions were never once asked... At that point... We were ALL Americans... In my lifetime Ive never witnessed the love, compassion and unity that I witnessed during that time.. In my country. It wasnt long before the flags became tattered and faded... Rarely did you see a vehicle with flags on them... Our office met every morning at our flag pole... Joined hands, formed a circle and prayed for our country for several days... That slowly faded away as well.. With my whole heart I pray that one day... We will unite as we did during those days following September 11, 2001. Theres not a day that goes by that I dont scroll down this social network page and see someones negative political posts... As I witnessed amazing unity those 13 years ago... Now I see a more divided America than ever before. Today I see countless We will never forget.... I can honestly say... I will never forget... But maybe Im not forgetting the same as some... God, please REunite... This UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.. This land of the free... The home of the brave... That You have blessed us with... Protect us from those who plan to do us harm.. Again... Be with our soldiers Lord... Please keep them safe .. In Jesus Precious Name.... Amen
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:43:00 +0000

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