In this little box it says whats on your mind? I try not to get - TopicsExpress


In this little box it says whats on your mind? I try not to get political on Facebook. My children set this page up for me so I could stay in touch with friends and family. But I just have to comment on a recent email from Congresswoman Betty McCollum from Minnesota. She is going nuts trying to get the Washington Redskins named changed. This country is going to hell quick and she is worried about a name change. What planet is this woman coming from. She is not an illegal alien, just a plain alien. The hard working people of America need to stand up and vote everyone in Washington out and lets start over. Neither side can spell Leadership. Native Americans were done wrong but when you name a sports team or military aircraft after native americans we are honoring them. They were the original americans and the warrior spirit they showed is why teams want to be named after them. Political correctness applies only when you dont like what someone else says. Grow up, put your big girl and big boy pants on and get a freaking life. Stop wearing your feelings on your sleeves and act like you got some sense. Sorry for being political and I will try to get back to be an encourager. God Bless America and Semper Fi!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 01:53:00 +0000

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