In this video from the beginning of the last decade, convicted - TopicsExpress


In this video from the beginning of the last decade, convicted former congressman James Traficant, who just died, talks as a Democrat in his hometown of Youngstown, Ohio about supporting a government shutdown and the interests of the rich being continually attended to by his party while regular working people are stiffed. He also talks about cutting foreign aid (which is a canard, really, relative to the truth about domestic spending and aid from other countries) and about standing up for just legislation no matter which party is behind it. In the last ten years, he says, every time theres been taxes, the rich have gotten off scot-free and the working people have taken it on the chin. The crowd roars for Traficant throughout this Donahue forum taped with a Youngstown audience. Traficant was rude, obnoxious, obstinate and corrupt, and his constituency had adored him.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 19:20:31 +0000

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