In todays Trinidad Guardian After seven days of oil spill, - TopicsExpress


In todays Trinidad Guardian After seven days of oil spill, residents say: We’re suffering Marabella residents say they are still suffering from the effects of last week Tuesday’s oil spill even though Petrotrin says close to 80 per cent of oil in the Guaracara River has been cleaned. Today marks seven days since oil escaped from the Petrotrin Pointe-a-Pierre refinery, when one of its tanks (MP 6) failed, and found its way into the Guaracara River. Residents of Bayshore (South) Marabella lamented yesterday that Petrotrin has ignored their plight and the suffering they are experiencing because of the oil spill. They also claim oil has reached the Gulf of Paria despite Petrotrin’s assurance on Saturday that it successfully blocked the river mouth with oil booms keeping the oil out of the sea. Bayshore resident Cory Green said there were dead fish, crabs, pelicans and even caimans floating on the sea at the end of the river and a pool of oil. He said Petrotrin is not being honest with the residents and the country. Yesterday, because of the low tide, Green could not take the media out to the river mouth by boat to point out where he found the dead animals. However, he said the conditions in Bayshore were inhumane and Petrotrin is not treating with the residents concerns. [ Click the link to read this article in full ]
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 14:15:01 +0000

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