In today’s cooking method, other fish such as mebaru, kinmedai, - TopicsExpress


In today’s cooking method, other fish such as mebaru, kinmedai, kinki, hirame and marlin may be used instead :) Sake, burdock and ginger roots will help reduce the unwanted fishy flavor and go great with these kinds of dishes. Mirin will help keep delicate fish in its original shape while simmering and also create a glossy texture, making it visually appealing! The cooking time depends on the thickness of the fish, strength of the heat and the presence of the egg sacks so adjust it accordingly. ੯ू❛ัू ໒⑅꒱ カレイ以外には、メバル、ヒラメ、キンメダイ、キンキ、カジキなどがよく煮魚に使用されます。酒、ごぼうや生姜は魚のクセを和らげる効果がありとても相性が良いです。みりんには煮崩れを防ぐ効果があり照りもでて美味しそうに仕上がりますよ。身の厚さ、火加減、 卵の有無によって調理時間が変わるので調節して下さいね。(*^_^*)
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 22:09:18 +0000

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