In two days (June 22), the foreign Ministers of the core most - TopicsExpress


In two days (June 22), the foreign Ministers of the core most active countries that form the friends of Syria, eleven countries to be exact, shall meet in Qatar to discuss the needs of the FSA.. Here is a quick review of their position vis a vis arming the rebels: 1- The USA which until now has been sending nothing but ready meals and hot air, including the latest statement from Obama after his meeting with Putin: I doubt that a a partial no fly zone woud be effective! 2- England which championed the lifting of the European Syrian arm embargo but then said it is not going to arm the FSA. 3- Turkey which has been a good host for the refugees but other than that could not make any move that is outside the USA and Nato line. 4- Jordan which has completely sealed its border to prevent any arms from going to the FSA. 5- KSA whose king is too sick to be effective in implementing his support to the rebels and whose team is too slow, too senile, too bureaucratic and too afraid to act on his behalf. 6- The UAE who is rightfully concerned with the hundreds of thousands of Iranians who live in its country and hence is reluctant to take any aggressive or public stance. 7- France who says one time we should arm the rebels and ten times we should not. Its foreign minster said recently that in view of the election of the more moderate Rohany, He would consider inviting Iran to attend Geneva 2! 8- Qatar who was the most aggressive in sending arms and money but who had finally to bend and suspend all humanitarian and monetary assistance under the tremendous pressure that was placed on her by the rest of the countries pretending to support the rebels. 9- Germany who has been consistant in opposing sending any arms to the rebels. 10- Egypt who has been much closer to Iran than Mubarak. 11- Italy who has been considering sending nothing but neck-ties and Spaghettis to the rebels. With friends like this.. who needs enemies?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 17:22:11 +0000

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