In two days this precious little angel will be on her way to Mayo - TopicsExpress


In two days this precious little angel will be on her way to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota to see 6 different doctors. We ask that you pray with us that this time an answer will be found. That the doctors guided by Jesus will find and fix Harpers problems. She is such a sweetheart, she tries to do what everyone else does, she runs, she plays, she gets her attitude and she gets her loving moments. We adore this baby girl, her Bubbee is crazy over her and even he knows we have to be careful with her. Please, please, help us ask the Lord to guide the doctors in what to look for when she sees them Monday. In this picture she is wearing Pee Pa Billy Halls hat, If he were here, hed love her to pieces, she doesnt know what she has missed by not having him in her life. But everyday, she hears his name and will always know him. She is pointing to her Pee Pa in the second picture. Pee Pa is Harpers great grandfather who lives in heaven with Grandma Jackie.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 03:19:12 +0000

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