In what is believed to be the first 3D political video history in - TopicsExpress


In what is believed to be the first 3D political video history in history, Proe Graphique, leader of the Tea Party Fire Ants, has produced an incredible video highlighting the Orwellian rule and tyranny of Barack Obama with “eye-popping” graphics. Released on the Fourth of July using George Orwell’s all-time great dystopian novel, “1984,” as a theme, Proe makes the comparison to what America is becoming under Barack Obama’s rule, and the mainstream media is assisting in the country’s destruction. “True to the 1984 novel, the media, on television, online, and in print tells people which political party is acceptable and which parties should be abondoned,” the video states. Proe Graphique told TPNN he “was always a guy who thought that people citing the end of America were lunatics walking around with ‘The End is Near’ written on sandwich boards.” However Proe believes that the numerous serious scandals and unconstitutional actions, including Obama’s promise to create a “Civilian Security Force,” requires different and better strategies to raise public awareness. The Tea Party Fire Ants is a conservative activist group that has had success on Twitter bringing Congress to be more focused on getting to the truth about the Benghazi terrorist attack. “We have three letters of thanks from Rep. [Frank] Wolf for helping to get co-sponsors on the now-manifest Benghazi Select Committee, one thank you from Rep.[Tom] Rice that says “Seeing great results” doing the same for HRes442, a variation of which Boehner has just announced,” Proe told TPNN, while promising the group is on the “cusp of some very big, larger achievements,” including working with “Overpasses for America.” - See more at:
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 19:24:36 +0000

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