In what was quite possibly the lamest joke sine the now cancelled - TopicsExpress


In what was quite possibly the lamest joke sine the now cancelled “Family Circus’s”, ‘Not me’ running gag; Barry the Derriere attempts to lay the blame on the ongoing boarder crisis on the Republican side of the fence. Far be it from me to point out that he had both sides of the fence in his first term and all he managed to produce was the Obama care abomination and it seems with each passing day that might be aborted by the Supreme Court. GOOOD Afternoon DC, the White house and that “Amnesty” areal acrobat, that when it fails miserably too, will claim it was ‘Not me’ that did it. Now all you bleeding heart Liberals, determined Democrats, and pompous Progressives supporting this ‘Amnesty’ need to pay heed here because adding more impoverished peasants to our growing population of impoverished peasants serves only one cause; keeping those who cause the impoverishment in power. Barry’s inaction at securing the boarder has been ongoing since his back and forth’s with Arizona’s Governor, Jan Brewer at the beginning of his first term. Are we to believe that securing the boarder is such a difficult task that it has taken 6 years to now become a Federal issue? This is the trick in politics that he has used time and time again: “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Ralm Emanuel uttered that sentiment and confirmed that is how they operate so it stands to reason with such an agenda, not only would they exploit both the crisis and the victims of said crisis (They do every time) but they would exacerbate the said crisis and endanger even more lives. The case in point; the sudden surge of, not just illegal immigrants’ but unaccompanied minor children coming over the boarder, in masse. We here in the US don’t have the resources for our own citizens to find gainful employment currently and with Barry pushing to raise the minimum wage, well we will have less jobs now. We cannot even get reasonable health care for our Veterans currently and it stands as a shining example of how well Obama care will work for all you idiots that signed up for it. We have more folks on food stamps then any other time in our nation’s history and now Barry wants to allow all the above ‘benefits’ to each and everyone traipsing across the boarder because “we are a nation of immigrants”. The point he misses here, not that he is any good at getting many points at all, is we were a land of opportunity once, people came here because things were better and there was a chance to improve their lives. Many did however I seriously doubt there is the same percentage of legal immigrants that became successful in our past history, as that manage to become successful now. The percentage is much lower and that is because the opportunities are disappearing. Now I won’t blame Barry for all of it, I’m a realist, unlike him but I can cite the amounts of government waste and extravagant spending that he is directly responsible for, with no regard for opportunity, save his own and that of his party. This is one of those times. The money he is asking for to ‘fix immigration’ has nothing to do with securing our boarders and everything to do with hiring lawyers to fast track the ‘illegal aliens’ into Democrat voters. So if all you Obama supporters can’t see this, you’re fools. That includes all you panic Democratic incumbents worried about trying to run on the nightmare that is Obama care. This is his voter solution for you to keep you in office, for at least a little bit. When the economy tanks from all his screw ups combined, it just means more folks looking to string you up, only they won’t be speaking English: Si habla Espanio? By definition crossing a boarder without permission is trespassing and hence your act of immigration is illegal. If you cross my fence line, I will shoot you and there will be no questions and your burial will be performed by buzzards and varmints, just like any other varmint. That is Natural Law.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 20:33:27 +0000

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