In years past Ive done the obligatory things Im thankful for - TopicsExpress


In years past Ive done the obligatory things Im thankful for conversation at the dinner table. I may have even posted something on Facebook. Ive sent a few text messages to family and friends to tell them they are appreciated. But for the most part, Thanksgiving has come and gone with my real attention being on the awesome meal I get to eat. This year Ive found myself much more focused on this holiday. Our family is thankful for so much. Most importantly we are thankful Charlie is celebrating his first Thanksgiving with us at home. There were days and even weeks when we questioned if this would be possible. Many kids with such complex heart issues dont make it out of utero. Some never make it out of the hospital. Others have short stays here on Earth with their families. Weve been so blessed! Charlie is growing and thriving. Hes smiling through it all and serving as a very visual reminder that we have so much to be thankful for on a daily basis. Were thankful for modern medicine and those that choose to practice it. We are thankful for Charlies surgeon, Dr. Huddleston, and his surgical team that have literally held Charlies heart in their hands with such tenderness and care. We are grateful for Dr. Fiore, Cardinal Glennons other cardiothoracic surgeon who has been in the room for more than a few consultations and second opinions. We are thankful for the staff at Cardinal Glennon that has made us feel like family. Front desk staff, nurses, sonographers, therapists, social workers and more have all helped us walk this path. Theyve seen us at some of our best moments and at some of our worst. Theyve prayed with us and for us. Theyve offered shoulders to cry on and meals to eat. We are thankful for the friends, family, and more than a few strangers that have supported us throughout our journey so far. People have babysat our older boys, run errands, donated money, hosted bake sales, washed laundry, picked up meds, cooked meals and more. People, often strangers, have prayed for us and with us. They have cheered Charlie on from the sidelines. We know that kind of support cannot be measured. Not a day goes by without people offering to help how they can. We are blessed with an amazing support system. We are immensely thankful for Matts employer, Anton Paar USA, and his co-workers. Not only have they provided us with amazing health insurance, they have supported us in so many ways. While Matt has always worried about how Charlies health impacts his work, his office has always encouraged him to put his family first. One of the selling points when Matt went to work for Anton Paar was that they were family-friendly. They have certainly shown that to be true this year! Were thankful that through this all, weve continued to grow as a family - in both number and spirit. Our family of five is pure bliss. Three boys chasing each other around the house and bothering one another will be our reality soon enough. But at the root of it will still be our family unit. Its taken more than a few counseling sessions to come to grips with the impact of Charlies health in our family. Weve spent hours in a counselors office as individuals (even our toddlers) talking about the good and the bad. Were thankful for a counselor who answers late night texts and works around hospital and preschool schedules. Were thankful for those who have followed this page. Youre prayers and well wishes dont go unnoticed. Youve been our cheering squad along the way. Youve reminded us what a wonderful world we live in. One where strangers can make your day with just a few words. Please know that we read all your posts and comments. While time doesnt always permit us to respond to each one - we truly appreciate them all. So blessed! So thankful! So humbled!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 19:48:28 +0000

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