Inara Yafa Tabir 4 hrs JJ Abrams did not make Roddenberry, he - TopicsExpress


Inara Yafa Tabir 4 hrs JJ Abrams did not make Roddenberry, he made Abrams. Trek is not Abrams. He did not make Trek, he made zombie thievery. I wish the man could be publically called out by fans and made to answer for his theft and mutilation of a franchise which advanced civil rights, technology and humanitarianism. Abrams was never a fan of the series and should not have been handed such a monumental responsibility. Star Trek is as much a humanist global movement as it is entertainment, it is one of the treasures of humanity. I hope someone fixes what that bastard broke. 31 mins · Like · 1 Inara Yafa Tabir he brought star trek back to the big screen it keeps being repeated, almost like its canned. hmm. Lame. He ripped off star trek and draped its corpse hide on the big screen and he will go down in infamy. 29 mins · Unlike · 1 Pamela Jones LMBO!!!! Maria just changed HIS profile picture. And theres a pic of a woman. If Maria was undergoing the transformation She would not use a female name but a mans name. These Trolls are beyond stupid! lol 29 mins · Like Pamela Jones I know! Right? Ive heard that lame argument made repeatedly. Again. They obviously work for someone who profits by these garbage movies. Theyre think that we Real Trekkies are easily led by the nose. Which PROVES THEIR LYING WHEN THEY SAY THEY ARE T...See More 26 mins · Like · 1 Inara Yafa Tabir retract my statement? UM... not a chance? So far you have threatened me, asked admins to delete my thread, and now want me to retract my statement. Basically you want to silence me and thousands of people like me who do not appreciate what Abrams did to Star Trek. Its not going to happen. So, either contribute something constructive Rowan, or move along. 17 mins · Like Pamela Jones I should post a blog about the top Lame Arguments that the half-witted Abrams fans keep making: 1. Duuuuh, he brought back Star Trek. NO HE DID NOT! He ONLY brought back the name and the characters name. Thats about it. Everything else is a complete ...See More 16 mins · Like · 1 Inara Yafa Tabir new term, Dreckers 15 mins · Like Pamela Jones LMBO!!! One of the Oldest tricks in the book! Someone who is guilty of something accusing others of doing it. HES THE TROLL! And shame on the Administrator is she Falls for this lame trick. We are true fans! A troll is someone who doesnt care about the page but just want to get as many people angry as they can. I do not seek to anger anyone. I have my opinions and Im NOT afraid to defend them. Rowan is either a Troll or a Classic Extremist who is big on CENSORSHIP! Some losers TRIED that on me over at the Food Network Facebook page. Not once BUT twice! The first time I was pissed the second time I Took Action! I reported those pukes to My States Atty Office! I charged Facebook and the Food Network Channel of BLATANT DISCRIMINATION! And they were. I did use a bad word or two BUT those words were NOTHING compared to the Extreme Nastiness that was being hurled at me by 10 different people! OR MORE LIKELY A GUY WITH THAT SOFTWARE! Anyway, Ever Since I reported Facebook to my Attorney Generals Office, And they did launch an investigation into my charges, Facebook hasnt dared to ban me since then! 10 mins · Like Inara Yafa Tabir um..good? 10 mins · Unlike · 1 Steve Owens I think Inara is pretty darn cool. 10 mins · Unlike · 1 Inara Yafa Tabir I am not a pain. I am simply not okay with what JJ Abrams did to Star Trek. The more noise we make the more likely we will be heard by the studio, to ensure something like this NEVER happens again. 9 mins · Unlike · 2 Michael McDonald Its been heard. 8 mins · Like Inara Yafa Tabir Blocked and forgotten Rowan. 8 mins · Unlike · 1 Pamela Jones Well, regardless of how well or bad the movies do, CBS hates them and refuses to do a Television series based on them. So in the end, WE True Trekkie fans win! I dont know why those idiots keep attacking us. Theyll always have these 3 movies to remember Abrams short time with Star Trek with. lol 8 mins · Like · 1 Inara Yafa Tabir Michael McDonald this conversation is happening amoung fans in all manner of forums. It will continue to happen until a new and real Star Trek series or film is released and we can move beyond what Abrams attempted to do. Its that simple. 7 mins · Like · 1 Inara Yafa Tabir A crime has been committed against the star trek universe. We will not rest until it has been rectified. 6 mins · Like · 1 Inara Yafa Tabir This is what a Trekkie looks like. 6 mins · Unlike · 2 Steve Owens I find JJ Wrekkers as I derogatorily refer to them, pretty darned annoying. They know next to nothing about the franchise but try to argue Star Trek with me with two lens flared mockeries under your belt?! They are as annoying as these young Whovians who dont have the fortitude to watch the seasons that did not have a physically appealing Doctor or the Star Wars dorks (they dont deserve the geek moniker any longer) or Comic Movie fans who havent picked up a comic in like ever!! The state of GEEK is in crisis, and people like Inara are like Gandalf standing at the bridge shouting!!....well, you know. 5 mins · Unlike · 1 Steve Owens Thats a real shortcut to thinking Islam. 2 mins · Like Pamela Jones I bet some of the young Doctor Who fans are still puzzled why Christophers Doctor was #9. lol. h
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 23:28:44 +0000

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