Inbox: Not really sure what you woyld call this hut in the 2nd of - TopicsExpress


Inbox: Not really sure what you woyld call this hut in the 2nd of August this year I went to sleep. During my sleep I fell into a much deeper sleep than I ever recall having in my life. Suddenly I was in a large glass room with a beautiful garden on the outside with leaves blowing and sun shining. To my left a door opened and I could see outside it was beautiful and I felt relaxed. Some one called my name and I lookex up it was my uncle who had died 2 years earlier, he looked so young and the picture of health. I could nit ever remember a time in my lufe when he looked so good the door to the garden started closing slowly and the light was getting dimer outside he said your brothers in danger, tell him that whatever hes thinking of doing not to do it. Before I could even take it in the door slammed shut and the warm feeling if the sunand relaxation being there gave me was gone. I awoke in the morning and forgot about my dream. I went about my normal routine thst morning until something triggered ny memory. I rang my mum whi thankfully believes in this stuff and she said she would call my brother in Ireland (we live in Australia) and he was gobsmacked. He was going to do a dodgy deal that would have landed him jail time with a man my uncle knew. The thing was extremely dangerous and as a result he could have lost his life. I knew it wasnt up to me not to pass the message on. Im just extremely glad he choose me and that I could help.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 23:35:02 +0000

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