Inbox Question: Hey Staci, Glad to see you taking questions - TopicsExpress


Inbox Question: Hey Staci, Glad to see you taking questions because I have one Ive dying to ask. I love your post but has anyone ever told you that you come off as arrogant? Ive been following you for years and people seem a little turned off by you lately. Please dont delete me or take offense I just think youre great and wonder if arrogance might be hurting you publicly. Signed Facebook Supporter Reply: Hey, First of all I would never delete you for speaking from your heart. I actually love the question. And to answer it yes, people have told me that Im arrogant. And as far as it being a turn off, Im sure it is. No one likes arrogance. But I dont apologize nor do I see a cause to change this particular feature of my personality. Arrogance is just how I look from a distance. Close up youd see just the opposite. I have over 5000 friends and 1000 in the que. So I dont think people dislike or are turned off. I just think people prefer showing their affection to people who seem to need it. I come across as cool with it or without it. Which is annoying Ill be the first to admit. But being misunderstood comes with the territory. Remember: People rarely like people who deeply like themselves. I get it and being that I know how truly amazing I am, I dont take it personal. Thanks for your question and concern SC
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:53:39 +0000

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