Incident tuff crime against humanity January 20, 2013 Imam - TopicsExpress


Incident tuff crime against humanity January 20, 2013 Imam Hassan bin Ali (peace be upon them) Name: Imam Hassan (AS) Father: name of Imam Ali (AS) Mothers name: Fatima Zahra (AS) Date of birth: 15 Ramadan third year of migration Place of Birth: City Date of Death: 28 Safar 50 AH Place of martyrdom: the city Burial place: the city (Baqi) Ignorance and Islam His name Almighty Things were in the pre-Islamic era of ignorance take the character in all, it was the most capable of injustice and tyranny; and the longer sold in cunning and deceit; he had full control, and enjoy the respect and reverence, fear of oppression and tyranny. . The leadership of Mecca and the Arabian Peninsula in the pre-Islamic era, pinned Brigade of Abu Sufyan and his family Umayyad. Vmaawih and his brother more than I, and Ibugel and Abu Lahab, and others of their associates; they were based on things, in Mecca and in other Arab land. After that Islam appeared his light, and receded ignorance Bzlmadtha, turned everything, Vtbdlt values and shrines and become confounded them, rising and Ola who was modest, and incline humiliation of the condescending, and with changing perceptions changed mattresses people, fell dignitaries and elders and long forgotten, while the rose and poison everything is a human, and tomorrow into consideration and appreciation, and so was the assumption by the Prophet (PBUH) and his family and his companions righteous highest denominator. . After this big coup; after Zafar Hezbollah and people of faith, and the refraction fork ignorance Party and polytheism; Abusvian and forced him Umayyads to the delivery and acceptance, led by the Messenger of Allah (r), and after the conquest of Mecca. But the black hearts remained the blackness, also remained the same entrenched hostility of the Prophet and his family and faithful. After the Prophet. . After I close the Prophet (r) eyes, and departed from this world, Abusvian stayed with him disbelief Party and hypocrisy calm, Venvagahm was safe from Alavtdah, and it was all hum not fall causes of the financial capacity and political power in the hands of the people of the house, and they were trying to keep this monopolized capacity to others, and succeeded quest that; it is such a dominating accounted Sid Damascus, Homs, Palestine and Jordan, collecting his hands causes of wealth and power, and tomorrow famous all over the Muslim world. After the death of Osman, and swear allegiance to the melting of the Prophet and his cousin, and my father Imams Hasanayn succession, the hypocrites and the people of falsehood, calling for hostility and the banner of the dispute again, and faced us with their swords in the face of Imam (AS), in the wars of the camel and two rows and NAHRAWAN, and have been occasions collected the enemies of Islam and the people falsehood, and the heirs of ignorance, along with Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan. Among the tide in the fighting, and taking mentioned in the debate between Ali (AS) and Sid, met a group of idiots, who Ohmanm their egos that they are able to treat complain about it people, and repair Muslims things, and decided to bug the suffering of Muslims back to the tri-risk, is Muawiya and Amr Ibn al-Ali, and it is not a solution ensures salvation for Muslims only eliminate the triangular one go. As a result of their thinking sick martyred Imam (as) the commander fair piety, while the road was wide open in front of others. . Reign of Hassan (peace be upon him) In this era, when the leadership of the people and business management, however, agents Sid, received Imam Hassan (AS) succession, and he had to face the worst leaders who had received the office at the time, and mostly from the Umayyads, and they were of long years in the waiting positions. Akhaddmoa money to God the midst of a camel spring plant .. The succession of Imam Hassan (AS) in that era, covering a wide sections of the Muslim world, including Persia, Khorasan, and Yemen and the Hijaz, and Kufa, Iraq. The areas dominated by anxiety disorder, despite the fact that people owe him obedience. Imam realized since the early days of his succession to Sid holds him bad and getting ready for war. He sent messengers to a number of cities and state governors, asking them to prepare and prepare to fight, sent to Sid book casts him as the argument, and advises him and Ibzareth its consequences. And showing the right and merit succession. And concern for Islam and Muslim unity requires away from war and strife, and invites him to respond to the matter of the mind and obedience, and not take pride in unrighteousness, fiord same doom resources, and gives the Islamic nation of sedition and discord resources, then finally Atuadh fight that did not respond, even God can judge between them . . But. . Where Muawiya of these tips? The man is not looking only to the government and the presidency, do not hesitate - in order to reach them - from taking any action, no matter how it was done in vain and away from the right. Instead of responding to the advice of the Imam, has sent spies - hidden - to the governors and leaders - Mona money and gifts, and the wealth and positions, if they stayed away from the Imam and stood next to him is. Before many of the notables those days Offers Sid and temptations, and broke the royal family with the imam legitimate, and joined them publicly to Camp Sid, also offered him some others that they arrest the Imam and Ersloh him captive but Sid shrewd prankster, he asked them to stay as they are it, so If fighting broke out, turned on the Imam and let him down. And months ago. . Sid bought through his money and his gifts many of the tribal leaders, who are accustomed to accepting bribes and money, and who is willing to sell himself and his religion and his conscience cheaply. Those leaders have realized that the road is the father of Imam Omaralamamnin through peace be upon them, and the other way is the way of the spoils and earning bumper, Fajtarōh, and sold their religion Bdnaahm, and the cheapest prices !! The choice between religion and the world Sid move a huge army towards Kufa, a stronghold of the Imam (AS). The Imam in turn seeks to pay Kufa to jihad, and cast in his quest trouble and fatigue, because few were willing to do so, and they make a difference for each of them a different view, though an army being assembled from such, is incapable Army running for the seriousness of war and jihad honest. Appointed Imam (AS) cousin Obaidullah bin Abbas to lead his army, and we know that the servants of God is one of the Quraish, he knew all the military commanders and tribal leaders and respect him and obey his orders. It was one of the first who Bayaoa Imam Hassan (AS), in addition to that his heart was overflowing with hatred and enmity for Sid, who was killed by his sons. . Imam sent slaves of God at the head of an army of twelve thousand towards Sid, while the trend is a huge army towards the cities, and set up camp there; as part of a plan to overcome armies of Sid tractor. . Not Muawiya had not forgotten the bitterness of the two rows of war, and still the memory of Swords owners of Ali (AS) endure Ppalartjav; so it is designed to be pleading Deception in this war; he sent an envoy to the servants of God hidden offer him a thousand thousand dirhams (AED million), The before closed his hands of this war, to pay him half the amount in his camp if he came to him, and the other half in Kufa. Obaidullah days he remained confused in his command, he knows that few people have responded to the call of Imam, while driving Muawiya army to Joppa, and the perception that the Army will be victorious Sid inevitably, did not hesitate? And supply a great temptation? Designed Obaidullah Finally, filled with shame and took the decision to shame; and in the middle of the night. Walked with a group of dignitaries and military commanders about Sid camp. . I chose to sell God and His Messenger, and the imam and his religion cheaply, and that will not win the stigma leave him forever. . People gathered for morning prayers. And waited for the servants of God to lead them in prayer in the prayer, where he is scheduled to set off after the prayer to the fighting. But the waiting went in vain, Fped God did not attend the prayer. . Then they knew the truth as they heard the calling of the people of Syria camp says: O people; dispersed promises to homes, the servants of God and his supporters in the camp Sid, has been chosen to the Magistrate on the war, there is nothing good in fratricide Obaidullah was the first man after the imam in command of the army. The betrayal of this man «great» and that «the jurist» known, a cause for the weakness of many, as others have deceived the peace false invitation, they began to scatter in every direction. Group felt loyal supporters of Imam trick, and tried to re-defeatists not rows, but the attempt failed. And remained a lack of sincere faith fixed in its position, its members have vowed themselves to die for the truth, and sent forward asking to provide them with men. Was fleeing and Laggards are turning towards the cities, and spread on their way false news that Sid army had triumphed at the forefront of the Imams army, and became the news Sorry to those who came out with the imam, hypocrisy and hatred of them, and the argument invoked in Tkhazlhm and return to Kufa. The story repeats itself, the Kharijites story with Omaralamamnin (p), the story of those who Ikhzlon Imam of their time, but do not kill him, Vejba claim to be the protectors of Islam and the right, then open wide the way for the enemies of Islam and the right The story repeats itself today. . In the form of a big exam, screening is a good, Valmnavqon weak people returned to their homes, humble, honest and loyal friends immobilized in their stern father, and through the testimony in front of them and clear straight no Og it. Difficult choice Did not stay in front of the Imam is now two paths only two, either fighting and sacrifice, those loyal faithful, and either succumb to the requirements for reconciliation, and the patience to pain, difficult road. . But the salvation for those friends of sons killed unavailing, and chose peace be upon him to stop fighting the conditions, the rest chose Ali as chosen by his father - peace be upon them - Twenty-five years ago, and shake hands - reluctantly - from resorting to combat. This was today - truth be told - more Muslims days of disappointment and bitterness, it was easy to easy to Imam ordering follow-up fighting, Viqatl with his companions, even kill, he is the son Ali peace be upon them, and it is not him who fears death, but he was well aware that he will not kill even led by all of his family to the murder, and his family also will not kill even preceded in death their supporters, without having to kill them the desired interest in educating the Muslims, because the fact that the dispute between Hassan and Sid was still obvious to many people; and this is the essence of what was Sid wants and wishes, was throughout his rule in the Levant claims and deludes people as protector fever Islam, and people had to believe it, because they did not have revealed after his betrayal of Islam and Muslims, and that it aims to secure its interests and the interests of his family, begging protection of the law of Islam for the sake of it. This is the reality of the dispute between the two men, if Hassan was killed today people will know the truth. And so on. . In most Muslims darkest days, and where were not - until the blood of the martyrs - to do any good in the wake of the nations slumber, before Imam Hassan (AS) Solh, and gave the opportunity for another day will come. . A day when people will discover the truth Sid, and the fact that the dispute, Fahbwa then to fight for the certificate, after they knew the truth. . By Imam Solh after taking of Sid era in which he admitted this much from the facts that were the cause of public awareness and acceptance, and this is what it purports to Hassan (AS), has pledged to Sid not to appoint the crown of his reign, it is not done right, and let the Shiites to their own devices not exposed them to kill or damage, and to prevent his aides from cursing Omaralamamnin (p), and pay for good abscess that is right for him, and other things. . Has been agreed and signed, and the fighting stopped, and returned the Imam and his family and his companions to Kufa. I feel the owners Hassan (AS) disappointment and abandonment, even some of them wished that if Taktafh death and did not see this day, many protested to accept Imam conciliation, and issued by some improper statements, while Hussain (AS) was the only one who accepts that the Magistrate did not object to it never, granted by virtue of his brother Imam (AS), and satisfied with the correctness of his actions. In fact, many people did not pay attention to is important, is that the opposition to the Imam is in opposition to the rule of the Koran, which tell us about the infallibility of the household peace be upon them, and what they decide to war or peace, order or prohibition, he concluded things sacred. And that the opposition is a response to the Messenger of Allah saying: Hassan and Hussein Amaman They said that Qaada. »But people are quick judgment without reflection, or thinking. Sid went after nails toward Kufa, a stronghold of Omaralamamnin and his companions, and there stood on the platform grand mosque, fills vanity Oattafh, and proceeded to deal with the owners of Ali (AS) words saucy improper, then eat Ptqureih tribal chiefs, Vgdr them after he had signed with them charters, and became the designated name reference, and behind them in hardcore mode servile, unenviable. This is the consequence of treason in any case, those who did they betray the Imam (AS) did not walk away with even affection miserable from rolling. Imam and his family went after these events towards Yathrib, where they settled there, and recognizes the Umayyads rule of Kufa, and in place of Ali and the pulpit solution Ziad his fathers son, and his son, and forced those who were posing excuses to justify their positions on the rule Omaralamamnin Ali (AS), and refused to accept the rule of justice and piety of his son after him, forced because bowed Hamathm under swords stained with blood, and they knew - but late - as tips that rejected it, as they knew any scourge they have brought to themselves, and regretted for their hands, but a late remorse no good. Were those perverts declare disobedience constantly, for reasons and excuses flimsy, over five years of the reign of Imam Ali (AS) and a few months of the reign of his son Hassan. But now they sat licking their wounds, and were left to Sid rope on outlier, does what he pleases, without Azaajoh letter or Iatradwh word, not Talha and Zubair, including invoking the banner of rebellion and disobedience, not outsiders they raise sedition reckless blind, the hypocrites and spoke with them, there is nothing wrong. In those dark grim period of history, the owners of the only ones who stood up alone to the rule of tyranny, and gave their lives in this way, while wage earners royalties owners, they crawled on their faces and stomachs, Antron praise for referees without forget the supreme peace be upon him from Spabhm and their insults, and the words which are not issued only for their ilk. How much is it going to believers stand in the face of the Titans history, but to stand in the face of «Idol» Many people on the whole «worship» ordered over energy Breaking the covenant Finally. . And when he realized Sid approaching him, feared that the succession moves beyond to Hassan, hurting efforts that old exterminated in the process, and returns the household to the right, heres a great disaster, were determined to poison the Imam Hassan (AS), and do the torque it, and spent the Imam However, poisoned his wife, disguised each era contract or charter swear it, and immersion joy martyrdom of Imam Marwan heart of the enemy and the enemy of God, his Prophet, and the hearts of many others, did not ashamed of throwing his coffin at his funeral Npalhm peace be upon him. Went rolling after that to complete his plan, he took the pledge of allegiance to his son Yazid drinker, from the people of Syria first, then from the people of Mecca and Medina, Within thereby continuing the rule of the Umayyads, without finding of Al Talha and Zubair of raises in the face banner «jihad». Not what today is like yesterday, the case of people without the imam and his right today, as they did with his father yesterday. And Ktefoa - in both cases - the fruits of their humiliation and betrayal. I do Hasan (AS) in his effort to guide them and make them aware of, but he was aware of the fact that the verse, addressing the Holy Messenger: {You do not guide whom you love, but Allah guides whom He wills, and He knows Palmetdan}. He knew that the Messenger mission performed, which is to convey the message of his Lord to the people, loved to believe them or did not like, as well as Vllamam mission as well, namely, that takes care of the continuation of the biography of the Prophet, and preserves Islam and kept up as it deems appropriate, and this is what he did peace be upon him, he took the way revealed to the people what was concealed them from the facts, and for all that the danger to Islam lies in the manipulation of people by appearances false rulers and leaders, who pretend to Islam, and conceal in their hearts is not what you seem, and knowing that the preservation of Islam and safeguard the unity of Muslims requires them beautiful patience, and patience is a lot to digest right, and the patience of the injustice of some of his companions to him while Khataboh saying: O humiliating believers have patience and he knows that patience but it is for the sake of God and the dignity of Muslims, there is no harm in it as long as it instills the seeds of revolt against injustice, his brother Hussein revolution, it was his reign and Saliha part of the revolution Hussein, right where his brother, peace be upon them and in the words of the Secretary-grandfather of the Prophet peace be upon him and his family: «Hassan and Hussein Amaman They said though Qaada» من لم يعشق الحسين ليس انسانا
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:47:25 +0000

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