Inclusionists believe that all of humanity is already saved... in - TopicsExpress


Inclusionists believe that all of humanity is already saved... in relationship with God... seated with Christ... and possessing eternal life. But Jesus said in John 3:18: Whoever does not believe STANDS CONDEMNED ALREADY because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. According to Jesus ...unbelievers dont stand saved already. They stand condemned already... UNTIL... they believe in Gods one and only Son! Are unbelievers saved? No. Not until they individually believe in Jesus. Is all of humanity saved UNTIL they refuse to believe? No. All of humanity stands condemned... UNTIL... they believe! Paul taught that if a person doesnt have faith in Christ, they are SEPARATED from the life of God [Ephesians 4:18]. He said that we were all DEAD in transgression and by nature deserving of wrath... UNTIL... we received Gods gift... through... faith!! [Ephesians 2:1-9] Who was John urging to join him in his fellowship [relationship] with the Father and Son? Those who DIDNT HAVE IT! [I John 1:3] Many, many New Testament Scriptures urge the unsaved... to GET saved! - God wants all men to BE saved! [I Timothy 2:4] - Confess with your mouth... believe with your heart... and you will BE saved! [Romans 10:9] - Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will BE saved! [Acts 16:31] There are literally DOZENS of New Testament Scriptures urging the unsaved to BECOME saved!! And literally HUNDREDS more in the New Testament calling for all men everywhere to repent [change their minds] and believe in Jesus!! Whats the problem with telling the unsaved that they are saved? Its the same as telling the drowning man that hes not actually drowning... or the man in the burning house that hes actually ok. Its... just... not... true!! Believing that all of humanity is already saved apart from a personal, conscious faith in Jesus Christ would make us just like Nero. We would continue playing our harp and singing our songs... while the whole city burned to the ground! Universalism says that everybody will escape the fire. Inclusionism denies that there even IS a fire. But the Gospel that Paul preached says that there IS a fire... and that a personal faith in Christ is the only way out!! The Gospel doesnt exclude anybody. It includes everybody. The Gospel that Paul preached calls out to all men everywhere and says this: EVERYBODY IS WELCOME HERE!! BELIEVE IN JESUS... AND COME ON IN!!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 16:47:48 +0000

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