Inclusive growth is total human development – Cardinal - TopicsExpress


Inclusive growth is total human development – Cardinal Tagle Archbishop of Manila Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle 3 September 2013 – “If the majority does not experience growth, then what growth is that? Where does it all go?” This was the question asked by Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle during the 5th Ricardo J. Romulo Lecture Series on Business and Society held at The Peninsula Manila in Makati City. In a speech that was received with a standing ovation, the Cardinal reflected on the challenge of how to ensure equitable distribution of the country’s recent economic gains. To face this hurdle, three mindsets were offered by the Archbishop, which he then encouraged the businessmen in attendance to adopt as they formulate specific strategies towards inclusive growth. Firstly, the Cardinal said that inclusive growth involves access to the essential elements required for human life. He pushed the business community to partner with the Church in making the basic essentials available to the less fortunate. Specifically, he identified giving scholarships in parochial schools, providing training for health workers and medical supply donations, and swiftly responding to needs after calamities as possible courses of action that business can support. Secondly, Tagle emphasized that inclusive growth is not just about improving productivity but, more importantly, it is for the development of the person. Centering on the concept of full and integral human development, he said that work should allow persons, particularly employees, to hone their talents, grow professionally, and enhance their dignity. He illustrated this through a personal anecdote during his time as head of a seminary. In particular, his proposal to remove the practice of having separate dining tables for seminarians, priests, and staff promoted stronger relationships in the seminary, wherein everyone was treated as an equal. Lastly, the Archbishop said that there can be only inclusive growth if the people’s mindset involves searching for the common good, motivated by patriotism and stewardship. Connecting this to the value of solidarity, the Cardinal reminded the audience to look at themselves as stewards rather than owners of their businesses. Appealing to “replace selfishness with selflessness,” he further said that solidarity at the national level is very crucial to attain inclusiveness, especially in light of the recent scandal on the misuse of public funds. Ultimately, the Cardinal said that a joint effort towards this common goal is needed, regardless of stature. “Inclusive growth is inclusive action and inclusive responsibility,” he said.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 02:11:19 +0000

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