Inconsistencies about death Many people these days who are in the - TopicsExpress


Inconsistencies about death Many people these days who are in the process of awakening (as it is truly a process) may wonder why those who ascend into the higher or inner realms of their higher self must still experience third density and its illusions of life and death - even once they have moved over to fifth density and higher. Please let it be known that this is a misunderstanding for those who believe in this manner as death is no longer death or the many illusions associated with it – but there comes an understanding upon awakening to a certain level (happens at different times or seasons for each individual human being or soul) that we are to sleep when the human body wears out according to the level of our own personal evolution of the soul and our level of awakening. In other words you who become the awakened human soul or God Man come to know that the human body and form can actually live or exist in third density form for very long periods of time – based on our level of understanding of third density existence and all the many illusions that go with it. And so the human form can truly live out its existence in body and form for a thousand years or more before he or she may then decide to take on another body and form – in which case it becomes the decision of the awakened human soul or God Man to sleep and take on another human body and form in place of the old and used up body and form. What the awakened human being sees as a body and form that has reached a thousand years of age – based on time and space – third dneisty man sees as having died in his or her world – in which case third dneisty man will no longer see or know of the existence of said awakened human being and soul – as he or she has moved on to another timeline or dimension of their existence – as the third dneisty humans of the awakened soul would not be capable of believing that the human soul could have even achieved such a long duration of life in third density – on their world. Therefore whereas many third density humans appear to die on your world and are no longer seen by the people of your world – what happens in the meantime is that they either reincarnate on another third density world – or they come to awaken within fourth density and the World of Spirits – and move on to fifth density or higher. No one truly awakens within third density – but in a number of changes goes on to enter fifth density or higher – while at the same time they move to another timeline and dimension of their existence so as not to be seen by those they once knew on your world – as this cannot be permitted for the awakened human who is about to experience many new things – things which they can no longer share with third dneisty man. Yes there will still be those of third dneisty all around the awakened human soul and God Man – but they are no longer the third density representatives of those the awakened soul once knew – but rather their third density counterparts of another timeline and dimension – who will come to awaken in this generation as well. Those third density friends – neighbors – loved ones and companions of old were those counterparts or other selves who are not scheduled to awaken according to their soul contracts and season of life and the evolution of the soul. So you see once a human soul comes to begin their awakening they move to another dimension and timeline of their existence – so as to be in company of all their other selves who are to eventually awaken as well – and many will already be awakened within said dimension and timeline who will offer as guides to all new comers to said timeline and dimension. The awakened soul leaves no one behind who was a part of his or her world and reality before their awakening – but they in fact continue their existence with those who are identical in each and every way to those of the awakened souls past world – with the difference being that those of the awakened souls new plane of existence in another timeline and dimension are the awakened souls future other selves so to speak. Again death will indeed be swallowed up – and it will be seen for what it truly is – which is childish beliefs of the unconscious – lesser evolved human souls who are not yet prepared to move on to higher existence. What third dneisty man sees as death of the soul who is about to awaken – the awakened soul sees as a new existence and the awakening from sleep and slumber. And so we end this transmission – with much unconditional love to all of our other selves – we come to you through our human host Daniel.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 00:27:07 +0000

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