Increase IT graduates’ quality by improving lesson plan The - TopicsExpress


Increase IT graduates’ quality by improving lesson plan The quality of Indonesian IT graduates are improving year after year. In 2005, the first and second winners of Google India Code Jam were Indonesian graduates and the standard has been improving since. Indonesian universities revise their curriculum in tandem with the industry’s development. One instance is the collaboration between the Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (PENS) and Mitrais’ teams to update the university’s curriculum so it can better meet the industry’s requirements. Mitrais’ Senior Manager Argo Negoro and Analyst Fahrul Rizal welcomed the PENS team to Mitrais’ Yogyakarta office last week. Both of them readily explained the latest trends and developments in the IT industry, for instance the use of Agile software development methodology, like SCRUM, and how it has become standard practice at Mitrais. To help the PENS team understand more about the expectations of our software engineers, Argo and Fahrul explained in detail Mitrais’ recruitment system, for example what qualities are being sought in new graduates who wish to work at the company, how the candidates are selected, and what training they receive upon joining Mitrais. “Our recruitment process reflects what we looks for when choosing new graduates to join the company,” Argo said. He added that unlike when hiring experienced software engineers, Mitrais assesses new graduate’ analytical and algorithm skills to gauge their potentials rather than their current technical capabilities and programming language skills. “Those will come later, with training and working on a project,” Argo explained. Fahrul supported Argo’s statement. “We would like to highlight, to the universities, that putting more emphasis on software engineering concepts rather than programming language will be more beneficial in the long run,” he said. “Once you have a solid grasp of the concept as well as a good understanding in mathematics and algorithms, you can easily learn any programming language.” This collaboration is a part of Mitrais’ corporate social responsibility program. “I hope our discussion will bring new considerations into PENS’ curriculum revision,” Argo said. “Together, with Indonesian universities like PENS, Mitrais hopes to contribute to increasing the country’s IT graduate standards.” The team from PENS were Arna Fariza,S.Kom, M.Kom, Isabt Uzzin, S.Kom, M.T, Legowo Sulistijono, SST, M.Sc, and Rika Rokhana, ST, MT.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:11:51 +0000

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