Increase your Immunity with Acupuncture and Breathing Exercise for - TopicsExpress


Increase your Immunity with Acupuncture and Breathing Exercise for having fearless life against Viral disease even Ebola Research Says: Ebola disease might be quietly inoculating a significant portion of the population who are exposed to the virus but never succumb to it or show symptoms of being infected. If those individuals have acquired an immunity to Ebola, the strategies for the intervention and treatment of the disease need to be reconsidered, according to a letter published online today in The Lancet, a leading medical journal. Juliet Pulliam, one of the letter’s authors and an assistant professor of biology at theUniversity of Florida and UF’s Emerging Pathogens Institute, said, “If infection without disease protects people from future Ebola infections and illness, the epidemic should decline sooner than currently predicted and affect a smaller number of people.” The authors, led by postdoctoral fellow Steve Bellan at The University of Texas at Austin, looked at studies done in the aftermath of an outbreak. One showed that 71 percent of people who had close contact with Ebola patients and tested positive for the virus did not get sick; another showed 46 percent of people who had close contact with Ebola patients and did not get sick had evidence of infection with the virus. “We want to know whether people who are infected without getting sick become immune,” Pulliam said. “If these people are protected from future infections, this would open up new opportunities for controlling the disease. Refe : Writer: Gigi Marino, 352-294-3393 Acupuncture and Breathing Exercise for Increase Immune system: I have posted some of the points to increase Immune system with relevant Pictures as well as Breathing Exercise , you can ask me through my Whatsup no +91 9789908903 or mail me acupuncturedrnazir@gmail, This immune points will save you from all kind of viral and Bacterial Infections, Briskly rub St 36: Place your right heel on the Three Mile point (St 36) of your left leg and briskly rub it up and down on the outside of your shinbone, just below your knee. After one minute, do the same on the other side. Firmly hold K 27: Place your middle fingers in the hollows directly below the protrusions of the collarbone just outside your upper breastbone. Breathe deeply as you hold for oneminute. Briskly rub B 23 and B 47: Place the backs of your hands against your lower back. Rub up and down briskly for one minute, creating heat from the friction. This self-massage will stimulate both lower back points. Rub K 3 and then Lv 3: Place your right heel between your left inner anklebone and the Achilles tendon. After rubbing K 3 for thirty seconds, place your right heel in the juncture between the bones that attach to the large and second toes to rub Lv 3 for thirty seconds. Then switch sides to stimulate these two points on your other foot for thirty seconds each. Briskly rub LI 11: With your arms bent in front of you and your palms down, place the palm side of your right fist on top of the elbow crease of your left hand. Briskly rub over the elbow joint with your palm for thirty seconds, creating heat with the friction. Then do the same on the other arm. Press CV 17: Keeping your palms together, place the back of your thumbs firmly against your breastbone to press CV 17, at the level of your heart. Continue to keep your eyes closed and concentrate on breathing slow, even, deep breaths into your heart to completely dispel any anxiety. Use the following exercise Press SP 6 : This acupressure point is located using four of the womans finger widths above the tip of the medial malleous (the shin bone on the inside of the ankle). This area will often be tender and the point is found when you slide your finger off the edge of the tibia bone, towards the inside of the leg. It is useful to press on the tibia when first locating this point as pressing on this bone produces a very different sensation from the acupressure point. A Breathing Exercise for the Immune System Focus on breathing deeply for two more minutes. Gently control your respiratory system, making each breath grow longer and deeper than the last one. Breathe out any tensions you feel restricting your lungs from moving fully and naturally. Feel your mind clear with each breath. Notice the resistance Your mind creates: the worries and judgments it comes up against. Take several deep breaths and dissolve these barriers. Breathe deeply and gently; remember, you are breathing in life itself. Hold the breath at the top of the exhalation for a moment, feeling its fullness. Then exhale smoothly, letting your hands drift down into your lap, and relax, feeling the vitality of the breath circulate throughout your body. Live with good Immune system and boldly fight against Infectious disease – Acupuncture Healer Nazir Sheriff - +91 9789908903
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 08:46:35 +0000

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