Incredible!! Scientists Predict 15 Most Likely Ways the World Will - TopicsExpress


Incredible!! Scientists Predict 15 Most Likely Ways the World Will End Asteroid Impact Eventually, the world is going to end, or at least life on Earth as we know it, and when it does, it is probably going to be by one of these terrifying methods. Prepare yourself for the worst by reading about them before they happen! You might not be aware but space debris hits the Earth every day. Of course much of it is tiny, but some of it is quite large. It is estimated that an asteroid would have to be at least a mile across to wipe out humans on Earth and one of that size hits about every 10 million years. If it happened to the dinosaurs, it could happen to us! Plus, scientists have determined that it would probably be impossible to blow up any asteroid of that size headed for us. So, that sucks! Nuclear War Not only is the tension high between many of the countries around the world, but a record number of them are armed with nuclear bombs: 9 to be exact. And only 5 of them have a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, leaving 4 countries doing whatever they want with them, including North Korea. Studies have shown that if worldwide nuclear war broke out and 100 bombs were launched it would create a nuclear winter with record low temperatures and severe impacts on the surviving population. If 1,000 bombs were launched, it is estimated that most if not all of the worlds population would be killed in the war. ‹ › Pandemic Because people travel across the world every day, if a deadly disease that we couldnt treat did crop up, it would probably spread faster than we could contain it. The fact that old diseases such as cholera and measles are cropping up with more frequency is making this all the more likely. Add in the fact that antibiotic resistance is a battle doctors fight every day and this is a frightening possibility to end humanity. Overpopulation The Earths population is growing on a logarithmic scale or at an ever increasing rate. And while many people think that the problem will correct itself over the next 50 years as science finds ways to more efficiently use our planets limited resources, if we dont, we could find billions of people dying of starvation and fighting for the Earths last banana. Climate Change By now most people can agree that our planets climate is beginning to change. Whether this is due to a normal cycle or helped along by humans is still somewhat up for debate though it is pretty likely that our steady stream of fossil fuels and other gasses into the air cant be helping anything. However you look at it, increasing temperatures can cause any number of horrible scenarios to play out, including erratic weather patterns, drought, flooding of low lying areas, and even economic and political collapse. The long term future of this climate change could actually mean another ice age ‹ › Ecosystem Collapse About 30,000 species are lost every year due to human activity. Basically, at that rate, we are causing the next mass extinction and if we dont leave enough plant and animal species on the Earth to sustain ourselves, we could be next. ‹ › Robot Revolution If you thought the Terminator movies were just good fun and could never happen to us, guess again. Computer scientists have estimated that the point at which artificial intelligence becomes smarter than humans is closer than you might think, perhaps 40 years away. Then its just a matter of whether the robots side with us or if they revolt! ‹ › Rogue Black Hole Even if the LHC never creates a black hole that destroys us, its not the only one we need to worry about. There are an estimated 10 million black holes in the Milky Way! If just one of those got just a little too close to us, it could do anything from disrupt the orbits of the planets in our solar system to suck us all up. . ‹ › Alien Invasion Though we havent had any contact with aliens yet, it would be pretty amazing if we were the only life in the entire universe. And lets face it, we have a lot of resources that an alien culture might want to take advantage of, so things might not go so well for us if we do make contact. Or we could suddenly find the Earth destroyed to make way for an alien hyperspatial express route! Sun Expansion If the Earth manages to escape cataclysm due to all of the previous ways, either with or without humans left on its surface, there is one surefire thing that will destroy it: the expansion of the sun. Our sun is already slowly expanding every day and in about 5 billion years, it will have become a red giant star, big enough to engulf the Earth. Long before that, however, perhaps in about 500 million years, it will already be significantly hotter than it is, enough to alter life as we know it on the planet, making it quite inhospitable for most life except thermophilic bacteria. Hopefully, if humans are still alive, we will have found a way to spread out to other planets throughout the galaxy by then!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:03:15 +0000

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