Incredible Thirteen - the more you know ~~ The 12 Tribes and - TopicsExpress


Incredible Thirteen - the more you know ~~ The 12 Tribes and the ARC = Thirteen The Thirteen Colonies The Thirteen Properties The Thirteenth Calvary The 12 disciples,add the teacher = thirteen tHe 12 signs of the zodiac, add the center zero point = thirteen Revelation 12:13 : When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. Studying on this passage you see the DNA combination from the birth after the mixing with mankind. This study brings me back to the 1 trinity of 3 = Thirteen Is - Isis - Infinite reflections of possiblities in realms. Ra - Amen Ra - Radiation El - Eloheim ~ Electricity This is your spark to higher being or chakra to create your Torus field or ARC. The Lost book of John describes this hymmn of Jesus that shows a type of Metatron Circle, the ancient Gnostics traveled and taught, but as many through time, were branded heretics and much knowledge was hidden away. Link: sacred-texts/chr/gno/hoj.htm We will now turn to the Hymn itself, and first give a version of it from Bonnets text. In the newly-recovered fragment it is introduced as follows: Now before He was taken by the the corrupted Pharisees--by them who are under the law of the lawless Serpent--He gathered us together and said: Before I am delivered over unto them we will hymn the Father, and so go forth to what lieth before [us]. Then bidding us make as it were a ring, by holding each others hands, with Him in the midst, He said: Answer Amen to Me. Then He began to hymn a hymn and say: Glory to Thee, Father! (And we going round in a ring answered to Him:) Amen! Glory to Thee, Word (Logos)! Amen! Glory to Thee, Grace (Charis)! Amen! Glory to Thee, Spirit! Glory to Thee, Holy One! Glory to Thy Glory! Amen! We praise Thee, O Father; We give Thanks to Thee, O light; In Whom Darkness dwells not! Amen! (For what we give thanks to the Logos). [Or, if we adopt the emended text: For what we give thanks, I say:] I would be saved; and I would save. Amen! I would be loosed; and I would loose. Amen! I would be wounded; and I would wound. [Or, I would be pierced; and I would pierce. Another reading has: I would be dissolved (or consumed for love); and I would dissolve.] Amen! I would be begotten; and I would beget. Amen! I would eat; and I would be eaten. Amen! I would hear; and I would be heard. Amen! [I would understand; and] I would be understood; being all Understanding (Nous). [The first cause I have supplied; the last is probably a gloss.] I would be washed; and I would wash. Amen! (Grace leadeth the dance.) I would pipe; dance ye all. Amen! I would play a dirge; lament ye all. Amen! The one Eight (Ogdoad) sounds (or plays) with us. Amen! The Twelfth number above leadeth the dance. Amen! All whose nature is to dance [doth dance]. Amen! Who danceth not, knows not what is being done. Amen! I would flee; and I would stay. Amen! I would be adorned; and I would adorn. [The clauses are reversed in the text.] Amen! I would be at-oned; and I would at-one. Amen! { I have no dwelling; and I have dwellings. Amen! I have no place; and I have places. Amen! I have no temple; and I have temples. Amen! I am a lamp to thee who seest Me. Amen! I am a mirror to thee who understandest Me. Amen! I am a door to thee who knockest at Me. Amen! I am a way to thee a wayfarer. Amen! Now answer to My dancing! See thyself in Me who speak; And seeing what I do, Keep silence on My Mysteries. Understand by dancing, what I do; For thine is the Passion of Man That I am to suffer. Thou couldst not at all be conscious Of what thou dost suffer, Were I not sent as thy Word by the Father. [The last clause may be emended: I am thy Word; I was sent by the Father.] Seeing what I suffer, Thou sawest Me as suffering; And seeing, thou didst not stand, But wast moved wholly, Moved to be wise. Thou hast Me for a couch; rest thou upon Me. Who I am thou shalt know when I depart. What now I am seen to be, that I am not. [But what I am] thou shalt see when thou comest. If thou hadst known how to suffer, Thou wouldst have power not to suffer. Know [then] how to suffer, and thou hast power not to suffer. That which thou knowest not, I Myself will teach thee. I am thy God, not the Betrayers I would be kept in time with holy souls. In Me know thou the Word of Wisdom. Say thou to Me again: Glory to Thee, Father! Glory to Thee, Word! Glory to TheSe, Holy Spirit! But as for Me, if thou wouldst know what I was: In a word I am the Word who did play [or dance] all things, and was not shamed at all. Twas I who leaped [and danced]. But do thou understand all, and, understanding, say: Glory to Thee, Father! Amen! (And having danced these things with us, Beloved, the Lord went forth. And we, as though beside ourselves, or wakened out of [deep} sleep, fled each our several ways.)
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:46:09 +0000

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