Incredible… incredible. God’s Word in the second book of - TopicsExpress


Incredible… incredible. God’s Word in the second book of Thessalonians specifically says that Jesus Christ will not return before a major falling away of the church – the great apostasy. And apostasy does not mean that people forsake the faith, no, apostasy means they forsake the truth of God’s Holy Word. In other words, “Christianity” may even increase radically from a massive, false revival – but it is still the great apostasy for it has forsaken the truth of God’s Word. We’re living in that time and many true men of God believe that the last and greatest sign that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent, is this great apostasy that we’re witnessing in the world right now. The average “church” in the west is not only teaching things that blatantly, blatantly contradict the teachings of Christ and The Holy Bible but contradict nearly 2,000 years of church History as well – we can historically prove what’s happening right now has never been this bad… complete and absolute redefining of Christianity into something that is not at all Christian. Citipointe and Hillsong are just my metaphors for western Christianity, sadly the average “churches” today are just as heretical and apostate as they are, if not worse. “Christianity” today is sending people to hell – telling them they just need to say a silly prayer and they’re going to heaven. Telling them they don’t need to repent of their sin, they don’t need to deny themselves, they don’t need to follow The Lord, they can live as they please, they don’t need to receive The Holy Spirit and seek after holiness – even though it is a FACT that Jesus Christ preached on ALL these things. Jesus specifically said in John 3 that if you do not repent and receive The Holy Spirit, you are not going to heaven. And yet we have countless “ministers” today telling us that all we need to do is say a little prayer… completely contradicts almost everything Jesus said. It’s just a cultural experience once a week now – something we do on Sunday’s. We gather to hear a motivational speech and be entertained by some “worship” of God… it’d be pathetic and laughable if it wasn’t for the horrific fact that this filth is sending people to hell. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” that’s what God said through His prophet Hosea. The next thing He said was more convicting though. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you.” … how hard is it for a Christian reading my posts to just pick up a Holy Bible and see for themselves that the vast majority of ministers today, as a Biblical fact, are nothing but lying false teachers after people’s money? How hard is it? Just read the book of Matthew, just the first book of the New Testament. That’s all it takes. You can disprove perhaps 98% of Christianity in the West with just one book of the New Testament – just one! And, guess what, if you read Matthew 7 and Luke 13 you’ll see that Jesus Christ specifically said that this EXACT thing WOULD happen… Seek God. Get on your knees and seek The Lord for your own sake. Pray for the conviction of sin, righteousness and the coming judgment from The Holy Spirit, pray to receive The Holy Spirit and become born again. You’ll see clear as day what Jesus Christ was talking about when you are – The Holy Bible will start making perfect sense to you too. You’ll be able to understand it. Sadly, it’s completely lost on most professing Christians – if they even bother to read it. They’re not born again and that’s why The Word is not only boring to them but they are completely unable to see what Jesus is really saying. But, but, even the obvious things Jesus said still completely contradict what most churches teach today – completely contradict it. Jesus said that we are the light and salt of the earth, that we are meant to be righteous and shine a light unto the world – to be righteous and loving and preach the gospel and lead others to salvation in Christ Jesus… but there is a countless amount of “Christians” that happily live in all kinds of sin because they’ve “accepted Jesus into their heart” at a mega church. How can the light and salt of the earth even want to live in sin let alone happily do it? How?! Because “ministers” don’t preach anything Jesus said – especially repentance from sin, they never preach that. Jesus told us Not to store our treasure on earth but in heaven, and Paul said that the love of money is the root of ALL evil – we’re not meant to be focused on this world and the things of this world and that’s all most churches ever talk about today. The New Testament message is one of self denial, just as Jesus Christ Himself submitted to the will of The Father, and keeping your eyes on God and heaven – not trying to carve out your little slice of heaven on earth. Jesus said: “Great is your reward IN HEAVEN.” And yet, today, we have “ministers” publishing books “Your best life now,” (Joel Osteen) and “You need more money” (Bryan Houston) and all these completely self absorbed, self loving, self centered, worldly, corrupt books, messages and sermons that have nothing to do with God and preaching the gospel… it doesn’t seem to cross the mind of the average Christian that every person around them who doesn’t have Jesus Christ will go to hell for all of eternity. It does not even cross their mind. How do I know this? Because the average Christian never even thinks of evangelizing – not for one second. Jesus is no different to him/her than a vending machine in the sky that caters for their needs… Ah man… I’ve only started really seeing and understanding these things since I was born again and received The Holy Spirit. It’s not me, it’s God at work in me. All the things God has done through me are by His power, by His grace and for His glory. God opened my eyes and showed me the truth. I’m not trying to tell professing Christians they need to step it up or work harder, I’m trying to tell you that if you have no desire to evangelize and you cannot see what is really going on in the world, I seriously, seriously doubt you are saved. I really do. How can you have The Holy Spirit living in you and yet you do not care one iota about all the people around you that are going to hell? If you have The Holy Spirit, that makes us a new creation in Christ and leads us in all truth, and you cannot see what is happening right now… that’s denying the power of God, that’s literally denying the power of God. You’re either a liar or God is – and God is no liar. When you encounter God, when you receive The Holy Spirit, He changes you. You cannot receive The Holy Spirit and still be as you were – there is no way. And yet, so many Christians say that they’re born again and they’re still completely sinful, sin loving, carnal and worldly – and they look nothing like Christ… I’m not a mean, arrogant, self righteous or judgmental person, I’m really not. I have no doubt that I have come across that way many times on facebook but that is not my intention at all – and that is not who I am. Anyone reading this that knows me well or has evangelized with me knows for a fact that I have a huge heart for the lost – and people who rejected Christianity have contacted me wanting to seek God just because of things I have said about these ludicrous excuses for “churches” today. So my words may seem over the top but a lot of people are starting to see what’s going on and I give God the glory. I only post things like this because I care – professing Christians need to wake up and see what is really going on. They need to seek God diligently in His Word and in prayer and they need to ask themselves if they are truly saved – most aren’t. I wasn’t saved from 13 to 21 years old – on the outside I was a very solid Christian. Been reading The Holy Bible and attending a Biblically sound church all my life – but I never had The Holy Spirit, was never born again. I was never convicted of my sins by The Holy Spirit, never fall before God in tears broken before Him, never experienced the things Jesus Christ preached about. There is no such thing as saying a silly prayer or just believing and going to heaven – Jesus said the exact opposite to that MANY times... heck, as I have said before and I’ll say it again. Most “Christians” have no idea that Jesus specifically said that if you don’t stop unrepentant sinning and you don’t have The Holy Spirit, you will not enter heaven. That’s why false teachers and false teaching is so, so, so dangerous – it gives people false confidence in a false salvation. When you’re born again, you start to understand and hold to what Jesus Christ said. God is everything, everything – Jesus meant what He said. “Deny yourself and follow me.” I still study, I still work, many of the disciples had a wife – but God is first. God has used me to witness to people at university, God has used me to witness to people at work, I have made friends with customers and got their e-mail addresses so I can tell them about Jesus Christ – God and serving God is always on your mind when you are born again. It’s not a struggle, it’s not a chore, it’s not a big effort – it’s a natural passion, joy and wonderfully fulfilling desire to serve God… but most Christians aren’t born again and they don’t know what that means and they don’t know that Jesus Christ preached about it and they don’t know you cannot even get into heaven if you’re not born again… all plainly written in The Holy Bible and yet they don’t know it. Why? because lying, false teaching, money hungry “preachers” want to tell them easy half truths so they won’t offend them, so they can entertain them and make them feel good and so, ultimately, they can grow mega churches and buy Hummers and huge houses... I doubt many ministers today even believe in God, they would tremble in fear if they knew who they were dealing with. These men sending people to hell are going to be cut to pieces, that’s what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24. When He returns and finds all the false teachers intoxicated with the world and failing to teach their flock what they needed to hear, Jesus specifically said He’s going to cut them to pieces and appoint them their portion with the non-believers. I would be petrified if I was a “minister” at one of these many, many false churches in the world right now… petrified. Fall on my knees before God in repentance and sorrow. “Forgive me Lord, I have sinned against you!” …But no, they don’t believe in the real Jesus, they believe in a hipster of their imagination who’s just going to “love on” everyone. Ask these guys, ask them why God made hell. They never have an answer. Joel Ramsay says that God is so loving that He could never make hell… he’s a “pastor” and he doesn’t even know the difference between God’s Holiness/justice and His love. No wonder these guys have no fear of God, they have no idea who He is – they don’t even have a clue. They don’t even know what Christianity is. You listen to one of their ‘sermons’ online and there’s a Biblical contradiction every 30 seconds… it’s hard to believe it’s so bad. How can anyone in a “church” like that be saved? Anyway, for whoever is reading and listening out there, this video shows there’s still a few true ministers left in the world - sounding the alarm and preaching the truth… just like the whole Old Testament and the New Testament, always just a few true men of God the masses absolutely hated and chose to ignore in favor of false teachers… consistent theme throughout The Holy Bible actually – it’s amazing how many times it comes up. If any Christian bothered to read it they’d realize that false teaching and deception is actually one of the most covered and serious topics in The Holy Bible… I guess it’s much easier to find false assurance in a false view of God and Christianity than face the truth… I’m not trying to be mean, if you believe in Jesus Christ you need to get serious about Him and seek Him earnestly while you still can. If your minister doesn’t preach what Jesus preached, he’s a liar and you need to get away from him fast… Jesus speaks of all these people that do miracles and prophesy and cast out demons… and yet they go to hell. They call Him “Lord” which also means they’re “Christians.” No one ever thinks about that. They just think if someone is charismatic and does miracles and preaches well they’re automatically a Christian, never bother to test them with God’s Holy Word as commanded to. He/she who has an ear to hear, let them hear the warnings of God through the few true men of God left in this world. Seek Jesus Christ. https://youtube/watch?v=4x27Ynmg7tc
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 14:37:13 +0000

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