Independence... This isnt a rant thats going to trudge up pages - TopicsExpress


Independence... This isnt a rant thats going to trudge up pages of figures and statistics supporting or damning a yes or no vote. It also isnt going to involve any “scaremongering” a term both sides of the argument are guilty of hiding behind when information comes to light against their arguments. It isnt even going to be a rant, all I want, is for you to consider something different for a moment. Its something that for me, turned out much deeper and existential than I expected it to, when writing this post. Firstly, weve all seen world news, whichever aperture you choose as your medium, the Middle East, Gaza, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine – theyre the ones we hear about most in the media. Next I want you to have a look at the “List of ongoing Armed Conflicts 2014”. Geographically speaking, more of the world is at war, than at peace. That is the cold hard reality of the world we live in today. All these areas will have their own unique set of complex reasons for their manifestation, but, in my humble opinion, all boil down to a fundamental flaw. Our inability as human beings to look past our differences, ideological or theological and recognise that we have way more in common than our perceived differences suggest. That is not to say that, we in the west, are any better at resolving our differences. Our conflicts come under a different guise, still rouse the same passion and fervour, but often descend into incendiary and divisive language. I dont have an answer to that problem, perhaps it lies within an evolution of our consciousness, maybe its not even something were equipped for on the scale at which it is required, but I have hope. Hundreds of years ago, collective groups of people formed close knit groups to pool their ideas and resources. Those settlements evolved into towns and cities, they in turn evolved into nations, some of those nations formed larger collective groups and you have the world we exist in today. Im not going to delve into governance, as I believe, most of our greatest achievements as human beings, our compassion and altruism, happen in spite of it, not because of it. The reason I wrote this, now epic post, is that I think the UK represents something that has been totally missed out of this whole debate – a unique opportunity to show that, in the face of adversity, we can reconcile our differences, as uniquely different cultures, and still stay together. We do need change, redistribution of wealth, better, fairer and altruistic governance. Not just of the UK, but as a planet. At some point in our future we will encounter other lifeforms in the universe, I only hope we can view ourselves as they would view us – a single race of human beings.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:08:08 +0000

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