Independent Consumer Watch Group for Papua New Guinea: Any - TopicsExpress


Independent Consumer Watch Group for Papua New Guinea: Any volunteers? The need for a firebrand and vibrant consumer watchdog group is seriously missing in PNG. All foreign and locally owned companies in PNG operate without being independently scrutinized so that: 1. We the consumers of goods and services do not get cheated, over charged, or misinformed. 2. We the consumers of goods and services do not get bad quality, dangerous items, and compromise our health and longevity. 3. We the consumers of goods and services keep all companies at their toes. We form a consumer watch dog group like in America and UK and Canada where all companies are independently monitored so they keep their word with all their consumers. Otherwise, the consumer watchdog group will file court injunctions and challenge them in the courts of law. I am proposing that first 100,000 PNG workers who are consumers become FINANCIAL MEMBERS to a new independent consumer watchdog group which will be headed by 5 independent commissioners with a Chairman. The 100% funding to operate this group comes from 100,000 financial members who donate K1,000 to K10,000 per year. These are the champions of all the 7.5 million consumers in PNG. We can raise K10 million easily through membership from the first 100,000 financial members amd employ lawyers to auditors to accountants to engineers and so forth to work full time to finding any and all faults in the way companies operate in our country and start make them accountable to us the consumers. We the people of PNG cannot trust any of our government to do such work because time and time again we continue to get screwed by government. We cannot lose time and complain endlessly. Lets make things happen for our people. This new consumer watchdog group will be 100% owned and funded by membership subscriptions annually and through other fundraisings. The government will not be a partner or shareholder. The government can become a stakeholder. I personally want to commit K5,000 per year over the next 10 years for us to make this a reality. Any of you FRIENDS on Facebook are keen, please advice me so we form a working group to raise awareness and put a Governing Council or Independent Commissioners together and start registering with PNG IPA and IRC and get things rolling. We need accountability in PNG. We also need for press for accountability in our country amongst growing numbers of companies so that the jnterests of all the 7.5 million consumers in PNG take the upper hand. Anyone keen on being the first 100,000 member to jump start this entity please inbox your details. Anytime in May 2014, I want to run an awareness on the background of consumer watch dog group and its roles and functions and how ita membership will have meaningful participation in steering the destiny of our economy by being an independent referee on tje playing field where all the companies play in PNG. Dates and venue will be posted soon here. Please join and lets create some historic changes in our country while you are at it. Samson Komati Ph: 71651482 Samson.komati@gmail
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 07:36:21 +0000

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