India has abolished the Rule of Law and has given up its right to - TopicsExpress


India has abolished the Rule of Law and has given up its right to be called a civilization. This is the natural outcome of sixty seven years of Neta-Babu Quota-Corruption Raj where the unaccountable Judges, Cops, Netas and Babus have applied the resources of the state exclusively to their own pleasure, pomp, pelf, and perpetuation. What happened to Suryanelli Kurien? That is but one blip in a continuing saga of corrupt, incompetent judges pampering wealthy and influential criminals and setting an example for the criminality of India, complimenting the criminals who rule the Nation. Civilization and Culture is a distant dream in an India that saw the resurgence under British rule of law for a brief period and is now relapsing to the patch work quilt of looting, raping Sultans, Rajas, Dacoits, and Thugs that prevailed before. Gandhigiri succeeded against the British by turning their strengths (rule of law, equality under law, fair play etc.) against themselves and so weakening them . It cannot succeed against the entrenched, ruthless criminals who have ruled India since 1947 from behind the ramparts of Government or without resort to that excuse.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 06:37:41 +0000

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