India has every thing in abundance in terms of human talents n - TopicsExpress


India has every thing in abundance in terms of human talents n natural resources but there is shortage of almost every thing.Indian penal code has entire range of sections n subsections but justice seldom delivered.During my recent visit abroad I found that as compared to India,there is nothing they have in terms of talents or natural resources or agricultural produce and they have to import every thing from foreign countries....... but there is no shortage or scarcity of any thing. Their penal code unlike Indian penal code is simple but is stringently followed with justice promptly delivered.We Indians are humiliated every now n then...even our ex presidents and cabinet ministers strip searched at airports. I am desperate to see India regaining her lost pride,economic n military might.....just looking for the day when USA PRESIDENT too is strip searched like our ex President APJ KALAM. Hope next elections in offing brings in TRUE LEADERS at the helm of affairs....Pseudo secularism n caste based vote politics,in no uncertain terms have brought our great country to this pathetic state of humiliation n disgrace all around.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 03:13:11 +0000

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