India is a Democratic Republic....!!! This means that above - TopicsExpress


India is a Democratic Republic....!!! This means that above everything else, you have Right to Speak of what you feel like (constitutionally). You also can make your individual choices and decide what you do, what you like, the ideology and religion to follow et al. So when you speak what happens; some may like, some wont and some remain oblivious. Anything that you speak (as in an idea), you would dissatisfy some for sure. So, what should you do? Should you stop speaking what you want to....or speak to satisfy some or satisfy all..!!! Or try being a CENTRIST that would appease all factions. Now, we are living in a world where I am allowed to keep a strong view point, but expect others not to counter that....(however I can myself be disparaging at my will and to any extant). So this means that all of us rationally (and otherwise) thinks that we are fundamentally correct and get cocooned with czarism. Oh, and we are not alone....we have all like minded people who dont question the rationale of the cocoon and guess what? I Love them. Now the Context: Ive been following and favoring Modi (since last 8 years) and have been writing left-write and center since last few months (on various forums, blogs and on My Page too...!!) Those who questioned then, should read all my comments (done with a strong conviction and practicality) again to check the retrospective veracity. Oh, I also am firing against Mr Kejriwal, because I doubted his intentions (dont get me wrong not AAP ideology, but him).....Why did I do that? Well, with every act of his, he is strengthening my conviction and proving me so right. I have been asked not to do that by people close to me....probably because they feel that at least I should understand that he is a pure guy who wants to change India....Well I beg to differ. Ive been a part of Anna Andolan and have greatest respect for many AAP leaders but I dont carry the same feeling for AK. So, each of my posts have made thousands happy and have left some with a broken heart. By the way, to all these people, I visited your pages too...but never asked you to stop demeaning or disparaging anyone in particular.....!!! You all must understand, I am not writing to hurt the sentiments of anyone...neither will AK become the king of this world if I stop. Ill not be asking you to knock off you communication style either...never. Understand, you frame your own ideologies but shouldnt try changing others....If I am wrong, time will tell. (Oh, I was wrong in all my pro-modi, pre-results communications too). I love people whom Ive been with and that is the only thing that should be reciprocated.....No further meaning is warranted for because your taste and mine dont match....!!! So from now on, if you are bothered (and you feel like) give me a phone call (you can, any time) for a one on one....rather than killing time of both of us. Disagree agreeably and dont frame an opinion that might lead to a regret in future. Relations are not made in a day, so savor them. As for me, Ive never judged (even when abused)......and would never do that, I believe its our life and we should decide what to do with it. So, believe in something, Dont Judge others (your way) and build and savor relationships (even with differences). God Bless...!
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 09:24:33 +0000

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