India is a vibrant and young nation. There are good aspects and - TopicsExpress


India is a vibrant and young nation. There are good aspects and bad aspects. There is poverty and there is prosperity. There is education and there is ignorance. There is crime and there is social service. We are not a unidimensional nation. We are a kaleidoscope of hopes and fears. We dream and we regret. Its an endless cycle. Both sides of a coin together make it a coin. A single side wont even be accepted as real money. That logic holds true about India too. But at times I see a lot of focus given to the negatives. The bad events are highlighted a bit too much. The positives are either ignored or downplayed. On a related note, a lot of people on social media now have a new hobby. They roam the streets of their city, look for poor looking people, photograph them in poses that would generate sympathy and empathy, and add a nice caption beside it (not sure if real or fake). But this is odd on many counts. The foremost reason is that the people being photographed are mostly immigrants from rural to urban areas. As such, they do not have a lot of money to begin with. Cost of living in urban areas is higher too, which perpetuates their existence as a poor person. If one must photograph people, then may I suggest them to photograph those people too who started off as poor people but became moderately comfortable with time? Everyone likes to get inspired, and these pages and photographers have a great chance to show some hope instead of disappointment. Humans of New York excels in this department. Their photographs and captions do not exploit any particular theme. Rather, their focus is on showcasing the hope that exists in the world. Every single day, almost all admins of our page get a lot of inspiration from that page. We hope Indian pages copying their concept will emulate their true essence too. ~ Abhijit
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 05:44:43 +0000

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