Indian Intelligence Vs Pakistan Intelligence: RAW vs. ISI ISI - TopicsExpress


Indian Intelligence Vs Pakistan Intelligence: RAW vs. ISI ISI i.e. Inter Service Intelligence is the Pakistan’s prime intelligence agency having main purpose is to keep its country safe from external threats and continue proxy war against India. It is said that majority of resources of ISI are used to damage to India. Its establishment was done mainly due to Kashmir issue. RAW i.e. Research & Analysis Wing is India’s prime intelligence agency having main purpose to keep external threats and to stop problems created by ISI. RAW was established due to intelligence failure during 1962 India- China war. China was able to win the battles not because of superiority but due to intelligence failure on Indian side. So there was sudden need to start a dedicated agency to tackle intelligence failure. It is believed worldwide that ISI is the most powerful intelligence agency in world. There are many achievements by the agency. Notable involvement was seen during Soviet- Afghan war. They along with CIA was able to defeat might USSR. World knows side effect of that war was rise of Taliban. CIA and ISI created Taliban which turned on them in later years. There are many things said by the ISI well wishers – ISI is able to repel the proxy war played by stalwart RAW ISI won the Russia-Afghan war ISI was successful in creating khalistan movement ISI is successful in fueling insurgency in Kashmir ISI is successful in bomb blasts across India ISI successfully hide Osama Bin Laden for 10 years And many more …….. Now coming back to the topic, RAW was successful in creating a new country Bangladesh. People of Bangladesh were killed and raped by Pakistan before 1971. In the world of intelligence very few countries are actually able to carve new nation. This is one of the biggest achievements of RAW by creating independent, democratic country. People of Bangladesh are happy for that. Reason was obvious due to killing of around two million Bangladeshis by Pakistanis. Opposite is the failure of ISI. ISI pumped lot of money, resources and everything they can to fuel idea of creating new nation inside India. They failed terribly because of Indian leadership and basic Indian instinct to love the mother country more than anything. In Kashmir they were able to get some success but after experiencing Pakistan atrocities and culture many Kashmiri extremist want to stay attached to India. There is democratic government in Kashmir from past 60 years. Pakistan has seen four dictatorial rule in past 60 years. It is believed that ISI is able to thwart Indian bids to takeover. It is fact known worldwide even if Pakistan invites to rule, India will reject. There is simple logic behind it which can be explained by even simple example. The case is similar to fighting with pig in mud. In course of time, pig starts enjoying and you start getting dirty. Above explanation stands true because during 1965 and 1971 war it was just matter of few days when Pakistan would have completely collapsed if peace negotiation were delayed. Obviously India is peace loving country and she didn’t want to bring more problems by annexing. ISI is like a dog which comes running after the car without knowing what to do when car stops. Obviously ISI has better resource and freedom of action because it is controlled by military whereas RAW is controlled by Indian Prime Minister i.e. Civilian. Being RAW controlled by civilian as both advantage and disadvantage. Advantage is that prime minister has to run the agency according to the sentiments of the people in democratic country where as disadvantage is that there is limited freedom for agency to act more to sabotage enemy country. So in civilized country, RAW is like lion which has masters.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 14:34:55 +0000

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