Indian Media Loaded With Pro-Congress - TopicsExpress


Indian Media Loaded With Pro-Congress Politicans.............. >> This research puts the entire media bias in perspective .........just take a look:-- >> >> 1. Hindustan Times – Shobhna Bhartia, owner and editor-in-chief of Hindustan Times is a Congress MP from Rajya Sabha. >> >> 2. Vinod Sharma, HT Political Affairs editor, is essentially a Congress spokesman on all TV panel discussions. >> >> 3. Barkha Dutt and Vir Sanghvi, who were exposed in the Radiagate scandal, and are virtual Congress spokespersons in their capacities as electronic media personalities, are the ones who write opinion and op-ed columns on the editorial pages of HT. In return, Barkha and Sanghvi are rewarded with Padma Shris. >> >> 4. NDTV’s promoters are Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy. Radhika’s sister Brinda Karat is a famous CPM leader and Brinda’s husband Prakash Karat is the CPM Politburo GeneralSecretary . And Prannoy Roy’s first cousin is the famous far-leftist pro-Maoist-Naxalite pro-Kashmiri-terrorists “intellectual” Arundhati Suzanna Roy. >> >> 6. NDTV’s Sonia Singh is the wife of Uttar Pradesh Congress MP, Union minister and ex-princely state ruler, Mr. R. P. N. Singh. Sonia Singh is a very high-profile anchor on NDTV whose pro-Congress bias is legendary. >> >> 7. NDTV’s Nidhi Razdan, famous for her legendary pro-Congress bias is the current girlfriend of J&K CM Omar Abdullah who recently divorced his wife of several years and mother of his two children. >> >> 8. CNN-IBN : Sagarika Ghose, wife of Rajdeep Sardesai, owner-editor-in-chief and co-promoter of CNN-IBN, who anchors Face the Nation and is famous Congress supporter. >> >> 9. Sagarika’s father Bhaskar Ghose, famous sarkari babu and chief of Prasar Bharati (Doordarshan) during Indira and Rajiv regimes was well-known for personal loyalty to the Nehru dynasty, and now his daughter and son-in-law with their own channel to do Congress propaganda. >> >> 10. Sagarika’s extended family even consists of her aunts Ruma Pal (former Supreme Court justice and a close friend of the Nehru family) and Arundhati Ghose, former diplomat and Indian ambassador to various countries, under Congress regimes. >> >> 11. Another famous CNN-IBN media personality who also writes columns frequently for Hindustan Times — Karan Thapar - the Nehru family itself is related, through blood and marriages, to the high-profile Thapar family. India’s Army chief during the 1962 debacle against China, Gen. P. N. Thapar, is brother-in-law of Nayantara Sehgal, the daughter of Vijaylakshmi Pandit and niece of Jawaharlal Nehru. Gen. Thapar’s son is pro-Congress journalist Karan Thapar. Gen. Thapar’s sister is Romila Thapar, a famous “top” typical JNU Nehruvian and historian, who gets to write our textbooks with pro-Congress propaganda. >> >> 12. The HIndu : N. Ram, owner and editor-in-chief (till February 2012) of The Hindu, was once a vice president of the Students Federation of India. SFI is the students’ wing of the CPM. >> >> 13. P. Sainath of the The Hindu is the nephew of Congress politician V. Shankar Giri and the grandson of V. V. Giri, ex-President of India and famous Congress politician. >> >> 14. News24 Hindi media channel Owned by ex-journalist and editor Rajiv Shukla, famous Congress MP in Rajya Sabha, Union minister, industrialist, BCCI vice president and IPL chairman. >> >> 15. Lokmat and IBN Lokmat - Marathi newspaper and channel, Owner and editors-in-chief are the brothers Vijay Darda (Congress MP) and Rajendra Darda (Congress MLA in Maharashtra, and minister in state govt). >> >> 16. The Times of India and Indian Express, where the Nehru dynasty has managed to infiltrate its loyalists such as Dileep Padgaonkar and Shekhar Gupta. >> >> 17 Vinod Mehta - Outlook editor has been well known to take anti BJP stand. >> >> >> The great venerable Ramnath Goenka, frustrated and broken by repeated I-T raids and ED investigations ultimately had to fire Arun Shourie twice from the Indian Express, which was once the best Indian newspaper in the 1970s and 80s. >> >> The Congress party essentially owns and controls every single mainstream media house in India, including Hindustan Times, The Times of India, NDTV, CNN-IBN, The Hindu, Tehelka, Outlook, etc --Now Friends......hows that for neutral & unbiased reporting!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 12:11:30 +0000

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