Indiana Jones Around 93 I was hired as part of a big band at - TopicsExpress


Indiana Jones Around 93 I was hired as part of a big band at Disneyland to play a show for a bunch of Disney execs at a Gala to celebrate the new Indiana Jones ride which was soon to open at the park. We were doing a rehearsal for a production show with dancers, singers, and even a stuntman that would slide down a rope right over the band, specifically the saxes. Everybody in the band got a little nervous about the stunt so the director had the stunt guy and his crew run it a few times while we were off stage watching. On cue, three guys would run out on stage, pull this rope really tight and hook the end of it through an eye-bolt in the floor a split second before the Indiana Jones guy would pop through a hatch in the ceiling (over the trumpets) and slide over the bones and the saxes on his way down to the floor. I mean, what could go wrong here? The rehearsals went well, we felt ok about it, the contractor said ok, so it was decided we would do a take with the band. I was sitting two to the left of Sal Lozano who was the guy the stunt man would fly right over. Right on cue the crew started pulling the rope but missed the eye-bolt just as the stunt guy came sailing down right into Sal and knocked him down like a 10 pin to get the spare! Bam, right in the upper back and neck. He went down, as did his horns and music stand with charts flying everywhere. The stuntman landed hard as well but got up quick. Sal was stunned and bent over in his chair moaning,dont worry Ill be fine while other folks in the band were saying lets call 911! Sal didnt want to be fussed over so he got checked out by the Disney nurse and after about 30 minutes felt good enough to play. What a lame-brain idea that stunt was! The Joke of the Night was: Sal, call your lawyer and when your done suing Disney, theyll call this place Lozanoland. We did do the show, but thankfully, without the stunt!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 05:24:27 +0000

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