Indigenous direct action in their own words. "Coapima clarifies - TopicsExpress


Indigenous direct action in their own words. "Coapima clarifies facts about the occupation of the Carajás railroad The coordination of the organizations of indigenous peoples do Maranhão (Coapima) released on Saturday (July 6) a public note that clarifies the reasons for occupation of the Headquarters of the Special Indigenous District Health Unit (DSEI) in Maranhão and then of the Carajás railroad. The movement claims that actions will intensify in other regions of the State, if their demands are not met. The coordination of the organizations of indigenous peoples do Maranhão (Coapima) come to publicly clarify that we, the indigenous people of Maranhão, occupied the Carajás railroad, on the morning of July 4, 2013, for the simple fact that more than ten days since we made the occupation of the Headquarters of the Special Indigenous District Health Unit (DSEI) in Maranhão we have not been met in our demands (the exit of Licinius Brito and Antonio Carmona Izídio da Silvia, improvement in health care in our villages, working conditions for the multidisciplinary team) by Antonio Alves, Secretary of the Secretariat of indigenous health. In the village Maçaranduba, indigenous land Carú, municipality of Bom Jardim, we have brought together more than 300 Indigenous People Tentehar/Guajajara of Amarante do Maranhão, Bom Jesus das Selvas, Bom Jardim, Barra do Corda, Jenipapo dos Vieiras; RankokamekraKanela and Fernando Falcão ApaniekraKanela; Krikati High hills; Krenyê de Barra do Corda; Pukobjê-Gavião from Amarante do Maranhão and Awá of Bom Jardim and Krepumkatejê of Itaipava of Grajaú and we are awaiting more people. We clarify that on the night of July 5, after negotiation with Rodrigo (delegate of the Federal Police) and Orlando Sá (representative of Vale) we accepted temporarily unblocking the Carajás railroad by the accord that until tomorrow (09), representatives of Vale would return to the village with an answer to the exoneration of Licinius Brito and Antonio Carmona Izídio da Silvia, both of DSEI-MA. At this time, Orlando Sá undertook that Vale store foodstuffs for the 300 Indians who remained camped in the village Maçaranduba. However, we regret very much that the next day Vale, claiming ignorance of the agreement the night before, failed to provide food for the Indians. That attitude demonstrates total disregard for the struggles of indigenous peoples. However, we, the indigenous peoples present in the village of Maranhão, Maçaranduba, maintain our agreement that we will return to the Carajás railroad on the asssigned date. Furthermore, we clarify that our movement has not ended, on the contrary, it will intensify in other regions of the State, if our claim is not met. Indigenous, Greetings Bom Jardim-MA, July 6, 2013". Source: coordination of Coapima, July 8, 2013
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 00:17:39 +0000

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