Indira-Abdullah Accord ‘Invalid ’: Er. Rashid Srinagar, Oct - TopicsExpress


Indira-Abdullah Accord ‘Invalid ’: Er. Rashid Srinagar, Oct 28:Awami Ittihaad Party (AIP) President and MLA Langate Engineer Rashid today while expressing serious concern over the recent statement of Governor N.N. Vohra wherein the later had mentioned that Indira- Abdullah Accord was the ‘Historical one’ for the state of Jammu and Kashmir, Rashid said that the accord added to the miseries of the people of Kashmir and that it has no ‘validity’. In a statement Rashid termed Indira-Abdullah Accord that took place in 1975 ‘a tragic deal’ in the history of Jammu and Kashmir.” Indira- Abdullah Accord was the accord that was signed only between the two persons and it has nothing to do with the aspirations of the people of Kashmir.” Rashid further stated that that when New Delhi is asking the Hurriyat leadership to prove its public mandate and representative character, why it did not ask the same to Sheikh when he signed the accord. “The accord further complicated Kashmir dispute and those who term the accord ‘historic’ should answer why after the accord more than 1 lakh people in Kashmir got killed and thousands were detained and why the people of Kashmir and international community is crying for Kashmir resolution. History itself is full of evidences that Delhi has never shown sincerity for resolution of Kashmir dispute and Mr.Vohra must understand that even NC leadership itself is feeling that it has betrayed people from time to time and frustration of NC is visible when Kamal and others use apologetic tone about having their any role in the instrument of accession” Castigating PDP Patron Mufti Mohammad Syed over condemning the Indira-Abdullah Accord, Engineer Rashid asked that why Mufti remained the ‘silent spectator’ at the time when the accord was signed in 1975. “He should have left the congress at that time and should have raised his voice against it if he thought it is anti-people and at present he is making hue and cry over the accord raises more questions about the consistency that Mufti sahib is missing vis-à-vis Kashmir issue.” Asking New Delhi to facilitate the resolution of Kashmir dispute rather than deceiving itself and rather than misleading the world community, Rashid reiterated that the resolution of Kashmir dispute has to be in accordance to the wishes and aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Rashid asked Mr. Vohra that if the accord was historic why Delhi didn’t restored autonomy and why is NC crying that the autonomy has been eroded by the Delhi. People of Kashmir have a right to know from Mr. Vohra and other Indian policy makers that if NC is doing the policy of exploitation or New Delhi has two faces. ***ID***
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:53:09 +0000

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